Research Paper On Jamaica

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Every Place is Unique In It’s Own Way!

“Nuh ebery thing dat ave sugar sweet” is a jamaican proverb which means not everything which has sugar is sweet or, don’t be tricked by an appearance. Jamaica definitely won’t fool you. Jamaica to tourists, is like a paradise. In the end, every place is unique in its own way and Jamaica is no exception. In this essay you will read about the following topics: Jamaica’s Geography, Jamaica’s History, The Lifestyle of Jamaicans, The Different Jamaican Cuisines , Music of Jamaica, and finally The Festivals of Jamaica.

Jamaica’s Geography

Jamaica is a small island but it is very beautiful. Jamaica is located approximately 480 miles south of Florida Coast, the caribbean island. Jamaica is slightly smaller …show more content…

Jamaican cuisine can be a mixture of everything according to my research. When slaves were brought to Jamaica they mixed their ways of cooking with the Jamaican ways of cooking. According to Cultures of the World: Jamaica “Jamaican Cuisine is a history lesson in itself.” That's is true because so many many cultures mix together to make Jamaican cuisine.
On Sundays, the event main dish is usually roast beef, or chicken. Sometimes the roast beef is served with potatoes. Common side dishes are yams. sweet potatoes, pumpkin or peas.
The national dish of Jamaica is Ackee and Saltfish. When it is cooked it turns yellow and is edible. Saltfish is simply salted fish.This dish has been eaten at home for more than people remember! In tourist menu, Ackee and Saltfish is under authentic Jamaican cuisine.
Another common dish in Jamaica is Jerked Pork, which is spiced pork which is cooked over an open fire. The seasoning jerk is very spicy. According to “Jerk seasoning is made up of herbs and spices such as scotch bonnet peppers, cinnamon allspice, thyme, onion, chives and nutmeg.” That’s a lot of spices for one

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