Starting and finishing at the historic Suffolk Downs, runners in the Michelob Ultra Boston 13.1 will enjoy views of of crashing waves along the beach for most of the race, as they make their way around the Massachusetts Bay oceanfront in mid-September.
Run by the same athletic organization that stages the Boston Marathon, this year marks the 17th annual running of the B.A.A half marathon with over 5,000 participants making their way around Boston’s streets each year. Participants will enjoy sites of Franklin Park, the Riverway and Jamaica Plain.
Voted one of the top 100 best half marathons in the country for the past three years, the Wicked Half Marathon attracts close to 1,000 runners from all around the world. The course, which takes
Longboat ran his first competitive race at age 17, although he didn't win, it gave him a feel of what it is like to run and pushed him to improve his strength and endurance. The training paid off for Longboat, winning him the Victorian Day race, with more than 400 yards ahead of the nearest competitor. The next race for Longboat would be the Hamilton Herald Around the Bay race along a 19-mile course. When he lined up at the starting line, no one there had ever heard of him, and he was given one hundred to one odds at winning. By the end of the race, everyone knew who he was. Next, Longboat had in his sights was the Boston Marathon, and he won the race with a record time. With the Boston Marathon won, it was time to face the London Olympics. Sadly, he could not finish this race due to the heat. Another one of Longboat's accomplishments came when war broke out, and he signed up for war and was a messenger running between command post delivering messages when communication was down. Throughout all these achievements, they didn't come easy, and Longboat had to overcome many
...the marathon, form a sense of unity and bond over love for the same cause. It is important for any athlete or coach working with a team to know how to work as one unit to achieve a common goal, rather than trying to pull all the weight alone. Raising over $176,000 for UNI Dance Marathon 2014 would have been impossible for one person to achieve!
The Barkley Marathons are run in the Frozen Head State Park and Natural Area near Oak Ridge in Tennessee. The park is bordered by two prisons and a coal mine and is thirty five minutes away from closest the city. The course consists of a twenty mile loop, which for the most part traces the border of the park. The actual length of the course is an issue of large debate however. The twenty mile figure was derived by the race director from a topographic map. Most that have run the loop feel that it is longer, since the distance associated with elevation change and winding trails isn't taken into account. Some feel that the loop could be as long as twenty six miles. At the other end of the argument is the distance that was derived from a survey crew in who measured the park to make a new map in 1993. The distances they got for many portions of the course were actually shorter than Gary Cantrell had listed them to be. On any account the distance assumes that the runner does not get lost, which is a rarity at the Barkley.
On our 10-day 'vacay' we decided to stop for a several night stay-over at a quaint town which is halfway along the Florida Keys. It's called Marathon, and I. credit it to the famous and wondrous Seven Mile Bridge. It should get billed as one of the 7 Wonders In Our Manmade World, and you'll see beautiful. watery scenes on both sides, yet in different colors of blues and greens! Serenely breath-taking as the bridge goes from miles of flat driving over shallow.
Also, it is the world’s oldest annual marathon. Amateur and professional runners from all around the world, every year. This event attracts about 500,000 spectators every year. Police also closed down a 15-block radius around the blast site.
I am now officially in my Senior year of Cross Country , and am close to the end of my season. My first race of this year though was a big accomplishment for me, because I hadn`t been able to run. When I ran that race though it made me just so happy I was able to finish it, I was`nt happy with the time, but there is always time for improvement. I was glad to be racing again and being apart of the team again. I believe that my injuries were a barrier in my way, but they did not stop my sports career.
The US Half Marathon | November 3rd, 2013 | San Francisco, California. (2013). Retrieved November 26, 2013, from
For the people to whom running is a lifestyle, ultra marathon running seems an old phenomenon, one that has been a part of daily life since its beginnings. Running more than twenty-six miles a day seems a menial task to a Tarahumara, a daily chore, while to the Americans running next to them it is an all consu ming feat. These people, known world wide as "the running indians" have recently made their appearance in the ultra world and are showing everyone how easy running really is for them. As they breeze by the likes of Ann Trason and many respectable others, the questions mount. Who are they and how do they run so fast?
the day of the event, there were about ten to twenty four races. Just like today there were many
The moment of truth was upon me. The official times, this includes whom qualified for finals, for the 400m relay had been posted. My eyes scanned the page for the bold letters that spell ANDERSON. As I ran my finger across the page to where the times were posted, my ears began to shut out all outside noises, leaving me alone with the thump of my heart and the inhale and exhale of my lungs. Both began to increase in speed as my eyes narrowed in on the time.
The exhaustion you feel after finally crossing the finish line at a marathon is like nothing you have felt before. You are completely drained physically, mentally, and emotionally. Your legs hurt to the bone, at the same time you are gasping for air while your throat screams for moisture. All of this is a small price to pay for the overwhelming feeling of self pride and accomplishment you are overcome with. Running the marathon is only half of the process. Training is very important with steps such as finding motivation, diet, safety, stretching, and last preparations the day of the marathon. With many physical, mental, and social benefits the hardship is well worth it. I greatly enjoy running and hope to one day run a full marathon.
After a couple of weeks of debating the positives and negatives of running and being persuaded by my friends and other Dreamfar members, I finally signed up. I filled out all the necessary forms for Dreamfar and future road races and reminded myself of Dreamfar’s motto: we finish what we start.