Case Study Of Autism And Oral Motor Apraxia

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Through her incredible journey, Carly Fleischmann struggled to live a normal life after learning that she has been diagnosed with Autism and Oral Motor Apraxia. Autism is a severe developmental disorder that appears in the first three months after birth. Common features include persistent deficits in communication and social interactions, along with repetitive pattern behaviors or activities. Oral Motor Apraxia is a motor speech disorder with varying symptoms that depend on the age of the individual, and their severity. In Carly’s case, at ten years old she had shown continued delays in language and began to use a communication device called DynaWrite. This device enabled Carly to express her opinions and thoughts through a keyboard since she was unable to speak. Carly was the oldest of her twin sister Taryn, and was diagnosed at age two after her parents began to notice that while Taryn was achieving milestones as a toddler (crawling and pulling herself up), Carly would lay on her back and cry helplessly. After taking several assessments from different doctors, they have concluded that main characteristics of developmental delay (language, gross motor, and self-help skills) were present. Although she was diagnosed when she was an infant, I will be talking about her struggles through adolescent years (9-11 years). Carly was unable to develop any sort of relationship with her parents, siblings and Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA) therapists. For example, Carly had an incident one afternoon where she struck one of her behavioral therapists by accident. Unable to speak and show emotion toward her action, she apologized through her DynaWrite by typing the word “sorry” (Fleischmann, 2012, p.116). Carly’s behavior demonstrates her i... ... middle of paper ... ...y use it when she felt like it. So instead, whenever she felt any sort of anxiety, she would begin to rock back and forth or flap her hands. These types of coping mechanisms were not very effective for Carly because it gave mixed signals to her parents, siblings, and therapists. It made it harder to figure out what exactly motivated her outbursts and her odd behaviors. Ever since Carly was diagnosed, she had been following the Applied Behavior Analysis. Her therapists, Howard and Barbara created their own curriculum to help Carly communicate. Although she went through numerous schools over the years, I believe ABA was very effective and because of the outstanding effort that was put towards Carly, they learned that she was quite capable of expressing her feelings. With the help of her communication device, she was able to improve her relationship with her parents.

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