Social Stories with Children with Autism

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Information Communication Technology (ICT) is essential in classrooms for producing significant improvements in children’s reading ability (identification of letters, words, and sentences) in children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Research conducted by Hagiwara & Smith Myles (1999) their conclusion was that visual cues used to explain social stories help children to understand the meaning behind the text. Howley and Arnold (2005) reflect the way in which a Social Story presented may be key to the success of the intervention used in improving literacy in children with Autism. For younger children, having the freedom to explore and reflect on the effectiveness of their actions through a combination of sensory and cognitive processing, gives rise to developmentally appropriate uses of ICT. The use of technology to support the Social Story approach may have several benefits including the use of visual information to improve meaning as many children with autism are visual learners Grandin, Dawe (2006). This essay will discuss the use of modern multimedia programs to teach language, emotion recognition, or social skills to individuals with ASD. Draws on (Williams, Wright, Callaghan, & Coughlan, 2002) Study that suggests that computerized instructional programs may be highly motivating and effective for enhancing receptive vocabulary acquisition for children with ASD. Furthermore, consider the use of ICT can cause stress and isolation with ASD children, and when used as an integrating component based on individual requirements social stories and ICT can improve literacy in children with ASD. Language may be delayed or impaired in individuals with ASD (APA, 2000). Many interventions for this population focus on the development of v... ... middle of paper ... ...uge, InterMedia, Oslo, Norway. Soenksen and Alper, 2006 D. Soenksen, S. Alper Teaching a young child to appropriately gain attention of peers using a social story intervention Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities, 21 (1) (2006), pp. 36–44 Wainer, Allison L. "The use of innovative computer technology for teaching social communication to individuals with autism spectrum disorders". Research in autism spectrum disorders , 5 (1), p. 96. Wendy Keay-Bright and Imogen Howarth From the issue entitled "Special Issue on Autism and Technology" Personal and Ubiquitous Computing Volume 16, Number 2 (2012), 129-141, DOI: 10.1007/s00779-011-0381-5 Williams et al., 2002 C. Williams, B. Wright, G. Callaghan, B. Coughlan Do children with autism learn to read more readily by computer assisted instruction or traditional book methods? Autism, 6 (2002), pp. 71–91

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