Behavior and Autism

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Behavior analysis theory helps people to understand how human being function within the existences of the humanity people live in. Behavioral analysis applied to individuals within a spacious sort of families, schools, workplaces, residential areas, and cultures. Behavior analysis has assisted individual to develop academic knowledge and science. A variety of training and professional accomplishments. The principles of applied behavior analysis, ABA focus on behavioral intervention for youngsters diagnosed with an autistic spectrum disorder. Autistic children have difficulty learning basic skills and required specialized therapy to acquire normal everyday skills. Intervention First, the teacher and classroom assistant will focus on the eight-year-old autistic male, they will use this intervention to support and aid in his learning of a social story with verbal compliments, nutrition, and declining of foods. Both teacher and classroom assistant will help support him, and teach him to reduce aggressive behavior by using his words in order to get what he needs. He will learn to sit down quietly and wait for direction, then will practice and demonstrate each time to master sitting down quietly. Then, both teacher and classroom assistant will praise him when he increase sitting time quietly in his seat in the classroom. Even though, he demonstrates a reduction in aggressive behavior during starting point stipulations and adaptability in aggressive behavior during an intervention requirements. Overall, this will help the eight-year-old male in regards to the his strength and weaknesses of learning, social stories, which will aid to remove or lessen aggressive behavior in the schoolroom. Behavior Analysis Reinforcement is the main a... ... middle of paper ... encourage to employ one or two sentences, identifying key concepts of social descriptions, and assessments of the his social disruptions. Both the instructor and classroom assistant will make the most of his special hobbies to bring in different and challenging assignments. Both instructor and classroom assistant will use motivation to assist him to continue to engage in new resources, different objects or already learned information. Works Cited Kaplan. (2014). Unit 7: Behavior analysis. Retrieved April 11, 2014, from, http:// Morris, B. (2014). Introduction to applied behavior analysis. Retrieved April 13, 2012, from Wade, C., & Tavris, C.(2012). Invitation to psychology (5th ed.) Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.

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