Case Study: A Hoodoo/Root Workers

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A Hoodoo/Root Worker/Conjurer works with the Christian (Protestant or Catholic) Bible. The words of Jesus Christ, the intervention of Mary, the calling of the Saints, along with the use of the Psalms are thought to hold great power for all manner of works.
When working Hoodoo, a more Southern African-American slant will prevail. A root worker may, practice along the lines of the Scotts-Irish-German that was brought to the Appalachian Mountains. Both will use the Bible, especially the Psalms, in their works, and some will use the various seals, such as the Seals of Solomon and/or the Black Pullet Seals.
As a result of the exposure to various beliefs and practices the religions of African slaves transformed into a hodge-podge of magickal practices …show more content…

God, the Universe, etc...) marked everything in existence with a sign, or signature, which indicates its intended use. Furthermore, by careful observation one can determine the uses of a plant from an aspect of its form such as the shape of its roots or leaves, its color, place of growing, or even its name.
Retributive justice is a theory of punishment based on the biblical principle of an “eye for an eye”. Unlike other religions which accept magick as part of its philosophy and adjure its adherents to “do not harm”, Hoodoo allows for an individual to not only protect themselves by magickal means but also to retaliate against those who have wronged them. However, in the case of the latter, the punishment must fit the crime.
Along with the belief in a Higher Power comes the belief in the continued existence of the soul after physical death. Many Root-Workers start out working with spirits of the dead in the form of the Ancestors, the spirits of the dead connected to them by blood. It is believed that the dead don’t die, but rather ascend to another level of being, from which they can look on and assist us. From this higher level, the Ancestors can guide us in our daily lives, intercede with the Godhead on our behalf and protect us in times of

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