Career Readiness Senior Project

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College and Career Readiness Senior Project While comparing and contrasting between my career choices as either, a video game designer, or as a computer support technician, the requirements for both, aren’t very different, The soft and hard skills required for these jobs include teamwork, communication, basic computer knowledge, and a college degree. I examine, in detail, these two careers, and while doing so, determine which of them I want to commit to. Game design, is a crucial part of the game making process. As a video game designer, their role is to structure what the game will be, characters, concepts, story, etc, they also help oversee the development of the game, on bigger projects, there could be more than one designer for each individual category. The designer has to have an enthusiasm to work with a team and have decent writing skills. The designer also has to have knowledge in computer software programming, computer science, or art, and while a high school diploma is the minimum requirement, a bachelor’s degree is required by some employers (, 2016). The salary is dependent on how long an individual has held the job, which ranges between forty and sixty thousand dollars (Recruiter, 2016. Openings in the Idaho area are errant, but …show more content…

The technician is required at least a minimum of a high school diploma, often a college degree is required. A technician should be well attuned to detail, motivated, and have a willingness to accept responsibility, as well as having intermediate or advanced knowledge of computer skills and have some knowledge of computer hardware and software ( 2016). A computer support technician has a salary that ranges between forty and sixty thousand dollars a year (Recruiter 2016), however the wages are entirely based off how much computer experience you have (

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