CSR--Benefit or Exploitation?

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In China, due to large population and scarce education resources, the education condition in countryside is poor. Farmers have few opportunities to obtain qualified education, and therefore earn less than citizens in urban cities do (Sicular T. , Ximing, Gustafsson, & Shi, 2007), which again makes it impossible for them to get better education. Finally, it aggravates poverty and causes a lower-level economy. However, this circumstance attract natural resource-dependent enterprises, which need the natural resources to sustain productivities to construct factories at abundant-resource countryside because of the cheaper rents and human resources. There is an argument that Companies exercise corporate social responsibility (CSR) only for their own interest, so enterprises sometimes don't care about whether their action can truly benefit the society. However, for the natural resources- dependent companies, exercising education-oriented CSR can really benefit both these industries and the areas in short term and long term.

In the short term, education-oriented CSR can solve industries’ recruitment problems and improve villagers’ living conditions. For enterprises that located at the countryside, recruitment is tough. China’s urban cities are much more livable than countryside, hence the young in urban cities are reluctant to forgo the cozy life to work in rural countryside; nonetheless, the villagers are not well educated enough to work in the industries. Education-oriented CSR can resolve the enterprises’ impasse by teaching villagers the necessary techniques to work in the factories. Citizens can obtain education and have a better-paid job to ameliorate their living conditions, and enterprises can employ workers easier. Wahaha Group ...

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... long process, because the effects of education usually need a long period of time to show up. However, if enterprises can keep exercising it under appropriate control, both of them can also benefit it for long time.


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Sicular, T., Ximing, Y., Gustafsson, B., & Shi, L. (2007). THE URBAN–RURAL INCOME GAP AND INEQUALITY IN CHINA. Review Of Income & Wealth, 53(1), 93-126. doi:10.1111/j.1475-4991.2007.00219.x
Wahaha Group Co., Ltd(2012). Staff benefits. From the World Wide Web: http://en.wahaha.com.cn/news/161
Wahaha Group Co., Ltd (2014). Employment Creation and Tax Payment. From the World Wide Web: http://en.wahaha.com.cn/news/29

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