Person-Organization Fit Theories

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Earlier research by Bhattacharya and Sen (2004) showed that informing stakeholders is the only way to positively influence the attitude and behaviour of stakeholders regarding the organization and its CSR policies and/or business activities. Positively influence of the attitude and behaviour of stakeholders is also important organisations want to attract highly skilled and qualified workers. This is important because “the success of a business ultimately relies on the type of employees who work there (Blackman, 2006, p. 367)”.

Person-Organization fit theories play an important role when organizations want to attract new employees. Person-Organization fit, abbreviated as P-O fit, is a popular theory, however its origin is unclear. “Models of P–O fit have grown increasingly popular as explanations of organization attraction and choice during the last decade (Kristof, 1996, as cited in Roberson, Collins & Oreg, 2005, p. 324)”.

The P-O fit is defined as “the compatibility between people and organizations that occurs when a) at least one entity provides what the other needs, or b) they share similar fundamental characteristics or c) both (Kristof, 1996, as cited in Ambrose et al., 2007, p. 324)”. The organization provides job possibilities and that is exactly what prospective employees need. Besides that, the characteristics of an organization can help attract prospective employees, when the characteristics of the organization are in line with the characteristics of the prospective employee.

The core of P-O fit, is the ‘right’ fit between the values of individuals and values of organizations. Prospective employees will prefer to work in organizations where the organizational values are in line with their own values (Cable & Judge...

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