CPA Board Exam

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According to Baysa and Concepcion, 2014 “Accounting is defined as a service activity”. Accounting is a service activity because accountants will render service to their customers. They will pay accountants for their services. It is also said that, “Accountants render services by providing information about economic entities that is measured in terms of money.” (Baysa and Conception, 2014) One of the responsibilities of an accountant is to know the current economic entities.
Accountancy is a four year course and it has a board examination. It also has a qualifying exam. The qualifying exam was the basis if they will become second year. Once you fail this exam you will no longer take accountancy. This is one of the reasons why many accounting students shift to other courses.
The CPA board exam is one of the most awaited board examinations in the Philippines. All accounting students want to pass this exam to be called CPA. They’re doing lot of strategies to pass this exam. Many can pass and many cannot. Currently the number of students who passed the CPA board exam from DLSL decreases. This reason leads to the researches to conduct research about “Common Habits and Practices of DLSL Accounting students before taking the CPA board exam”.

The purpose of this research is to inform DLSL accountancy students to know other people strategies to pass the CPA board exam. According to McDonough (2010), to pass the board exam, examinees should develop their study plan and stick to it. They should know their goals and they should conduct their guidelines in studying. It is also important that they will develop their study habits. They should know how to dissociate their time in recalling their subjects. They should also stick to their pla...

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...egist in the exam that is what the researchers discover in our survey. Based on our survey many students who will take CPA board exam have their own strategies in their mind to consider for them to pass the exam. Only few don’t have strategies because they were still undecided.

There are many things that the CPA board examinees should prepare before taking up the board exam. But students nowadays want to prepare in a small amount of time but enough for them to pass the exam. So based on what we survey the students chose to review only for 6 months because they think that it is the enough time for them to have a review and for them to be prepare. Some of them thinks that 6 months is not enough for them so they added another four months to be equal to ten months of preparation. But from our respondents there is a person that wants to take the CPA board exam early.

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