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My topic is on Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation (CMBR). It is a really low glow of light that fills the Universe. It could only be detected by using a radio telescope. When you look up at the night sky all you could see is the stars and the darkness behind it so when you use a radio telescope you could see some kind of glow in the sky instead of blackness. It is an afterglow made by the Big Bang and it left the CMBR behind as evidence. Long ago before the stars and planets were formed, the Universe was smaller, hot, and had a glow inside of it. The Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation was created in the Recombination Era when the radiation cooled down and when the Universe started expanding.
CMBR has all kinds of names like: 3 Degree Kelvin Background Radiation, Cosmic Background Radiation, and Microwave Background. It has names likes these because the radiation is like a black body and its’ temperature is less than three degrees Kelvin like about 2.76K. It is cool enough for electrons and protons to recombine into hydrogen atoms. Right now the temperature is about 2.725°. “… If we could see microwaves, the entire sky would grow with a brightness…” ( “The reason why we can still see Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation is because; the cosmic microwave background does not originate with the big bang itself. It originates roughly 380,000 years after the big bang, when the temperature dropped far enough to allow electrons and protons to form atoms. When it was released, the cosmic microwave background wasn’t microwave at all-the photons had higher energies. Since that time, they have been red shifted due to the expansion of the universe, and are presently in the microwave b...

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...e. I got this from all of the websites that I read for the essay so far.
There is a map of the cosmic microwave background radiation and it sort of looks like an oval on its side and there are bright colors inside of it and the colors are like a bright pink, red, dark blue and light blue but they are just scattered all over in the inside of it. They are supposed to represent the hot and the coldness of the cosmic microwave background radiation. The red color on the CMBR is like the lowest energy so it’s the coolest, the bright pink one has like a medium low energy and it’s cold but not that cold, the dark blue has like a medium high energy and so it has a warm temperature, and the last color is the light blue color and it has the hottest temperature and it’s energy level is the lowest. I got all of my information on

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