Business Process Essay

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In order to bake the perfect cake, you need a great recipe, quality ingredients, and the optimal baking conditions, and even then perfection isn’t guaranteed. Live is uncertain and there is always a probability of failure regardless of the method. This definitely holds true for business as well. You can be the most able entrepreneur, with a great idea, and many resources, but your business could still under. However, preparation and a thorough understanding of the situation immensely increases the rate of success. “Strategy a View from the Top” by John A. Pearce Cornelis A. de Kluyver, reveals several techniques and aspects to consider when formulating a business plan.

Often every business plan starts with a process, a business process. A business process is a collection of related, structured activities or tasks that produces a specific service or product for a particular customer or customers. There are three different types of business process. Management process governs the operation of a system. Business Process Reengineering is the analysis and design of workflow and processes within an organization. A business process is a set of logically related tasks that are utilized to help achieved a more defined business success. Reengineering is actually the basis in many developments of management.

Businesses also utilize standardization, which is the process of developing and implementing technical standards. The goals of standardization are to help with the commoditization, also known as the independence of single suppliers, and compatibility, interoperability, safety repeatability, or quality. Many view the idea of standardization as a solution in which all parties can realize mutual gain...

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... two companies are releasing an identical product, the one that manages to release first will acquire the most customers and “win the race”. Time is invaluable and therefore we cannot afford to waste. Great time management allows companies to achieve competitive advantage and manage and analyze risk before they become a large threat. .
Business is a game. There are pawns , there are strategies, and there are cheats. To win this game, one must be resourceful, proactive, and ready to fail. In the world of business, it is almost necessary to fail before you finally win. However, to minimize the risk of failing, there are several techniques and aspects to consider. I believe time is one of the most vital ones. Time management can make or break a company. Time management may be one of the toughest aspects to conquer and perfect but it sure isn’t impossible.

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