Business For the Glory of God

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Business for the Glory of God persuades one to view business in a different light. There are many views, both positive and negative, one could take on business. If one could see business as a way to help others, it may be achievable for them to see business as a way to glorify God. For example, some may do business to assist their families. If left with an excess they might even consider charity.

Wayne Grudem establishes the theme by enacting a scenario where someone talking to a new acquaintance explains what type of business they work in. The abnormal response they received was, “what a great way to glorify God!” (Grudem, 2003). It is not very often that business is associated with bringing glory to the Lord. Generally one glorifies God in their church; singing, worshipping, evangelizing, or providing money for evangelistic efforts (Grudem, 2003).

Grudem attempts to answer whether ownership, commercial transactions, and profit are always tainted with evil, or wether they are morally neutral and can be used for good or evil. Grudem argues that these ideas are fundamentally good things that God has bestowed to the human race. However, many people fall into the temptations that lead to misuse and wrongdoing. A large underlying theme in Grudem’s book is that the features of business provide many opportunities for glorifying God. They can, however, also carry many temptations that lead to ungodliness.

Grudem disbursed his time examining the different aspects of business partitioned into the following chapters: Ownership, Productivity, Commercial Transactions, Profit, Money, Inequality of Possessions, Competition, Borrowing and Lending, Attitudes of Heart, and Effect of World Poverty. At the introduction of eac...

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...s that can lead to ungodliness, business is neither tainted with evil or morally neutral. Business was established by God to bring glory to Him. Therefore, no matter what we do, business included, we should do for the glory of God.


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