Bulgakov Revolution

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Scientific discovery, both the phenomenal surgery by Professor Preobrazhensky and the exploration of red ray by Professor Persikov, represents a direct metaphor on revolution and its consequences. The ultimate product of the revolution becomes a «New Man», a concept that presupposes the creation of intelligent, selfless and moral person, that Bulgakov in a mockery manner depicts in both stories. What is revolution? Revolution represents a fundamental, rapid and extreme transformation in the development of society. In this way, through the possibilities of science Bulgakov builds an analogy to this transformation. In Heart of a Dog surgery produces a human being out of an animal in this way dramatically increasing evolutionary process, in other way, passing through the laws of nature. Sharikov thus is a result of artificially created process and act, an act that was planned and thoroughly thought out before. It is also a parallel to revolution as a purposeful transformation in contrast to natural development of evolution. Furthermore, the revolution itself tends to outburst as if all of a sudden, followed by uprisings and forcing dramatic changes. The surgery is performed …show more content…

«Низкий человек, на обезьяньих кривых ногах, в разорванном пиджаке, в разорванной манишке, сбившейся на сторону, опередил других, дорвался до Персикова и страшным ударом палки раскроил ему голову.» The image of uncontrollable, absolutely wild in animalistic sense crowd echoes the creatures appeared under the red light. In comparison with the Heart of a Dog, the Fatal Eggs portray much more brutal reality of the revolution and of revolutionaries themselves, but in the related way revolution is depicted as abnormal process with unexpected detrimental

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