Brutus: Patriot

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It’s often said that actions speak louder than words, but perhaps there are some intentions that develop into actions which surpass all understanding. In Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar, Brutus assassinates his beloved Caesar. Many assume that Brutus betrayed Caesar when he killed him, but perhaps his intentions for killing Caesar were those of a patriot far beyond our comprehension. Love, whether it’s romantic or brotherly is stronger and far larger than we can put into words or logical actions. What Brutus did may appeared to be that of a betrayer, but he was anything but a traitor; Brutus was a true Patriot.
The infamous line from William Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar, ”Et tu, Brute?” is seen to be the anthem of betrayal since it’s first appearance in 1599. Every way you look at it, Brutus killed Caesar, period. From an outsider’s perspective, this is seen as betrayal. But this quote from the play proves more so that Brutus wasn’t a traitor. Although the line is said with the sorrow of one being betrayer, it proves as well the love Brutus and Caesar shared. As he died, Caesar didn’t sa...

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