The first part of this comment is right. Everything we are and learn [at an early age] is taught to us by our parents and family. HOWEVER, as we grow, learn and mature it is up to us to break bad cycles and change our lives for the better. A cycle is a repeating set of behaviors that yield the same result. Albert Einstein defined insanity as “doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” We grow up watching family have bad behaviors and negative cycles regarding relationships, alcohol and drug addiction, and so much more. It’s easy to follow in their footsteps and even easier to blame them for our failures because we followed in their footsteps. That is not how life works. When you know better you do better. Maybe no one told your family they didn’t have to keep repeating the same bad behaviors and negative cycles so they did. I’m telling you now, if you’re reading this, you don’t and shouldn’t. It is up to each of us to break the bad behavior and negative cycle routine and create a new life for ourselves. And yes, this can be hard. It often means that you have to rid yourself of your current friends with all the bad behaviors and negative cycles you desire to let go of. If you don’t they will continue to pull you back into it. …show more content…
Then you have to identify what you want from life. You have to have a plan of action to get it. Find a mentor. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. At heart people are good and they want to help. The people you may need to ask or not going to be the same people stuck in the bad behaviors and negative cycles you are trying to escape from. Don’t be afraid to change. Remember that change won’t come over night. Change like life is a journey, but a journey worth
My family has a saying that we all use religiously “FITFO” it stands for Figure it the F*** Out. You don’t, or at least shouldn’t, have to be told how to do everything. Be responsible for your own skills and abilities. It’s like they say about learning a language, “you learn it best by submission”. You pick up all the slang and different accents by hearing the language spoken, not in the classroom. Same in many aspects of life. You may learn generalizations about some things from being taught, but the best wat to really learn all of the small things and specific details is by going out and doing
Struggles with learning lessons in life can be challenging. Learning to make good choices in life and lead a life of righteousness can prove difficult, especially when dealing with family members who don’t make the right choices themselves. It’s hard to make good life choices when surrounded by people who are always making the wrong choice and lying. Parents should be respected, trustworthy and role models for developing minds of their children. Like life, not every choice can be black or white.
... person and we choose our own destiny, we can't sit around and blame anyone if we feel depressed or if our lives seem a mess. We need to be strong and follow our dreams, quit acting stupid and change our behaviors by taking leaps and risks. It may be hard and scary at times but that's all part of life and we have to work for what we want. Dr. Laura Schlessinger states, "Once we muster the courage to take responsibility for our own problems and to tolerate the discomforts of risk, the possibilities for personal growth and joy are limitless (223).If you are prepared to hear the truth of how we let certain behaviors ruin our life and ready to make changes to them, than a good place for you to start would be by reading this book.
When you do the wrong things, your family will be ashamed of you. You will have the feeling that you have disappointed them, and they have the feeling that they have disappointed you. It doesn't make sense, but they feel like they have let you down. They will think to themselves that they could have been more strict and that they haven't been disciplining you hard enough. Most of the time that is true because if someone knew that if they did something wrong and they were going to get severely disciplined, they would not do it.
From when a child is born, to adulthood, everything done because of them, to them, or in front of them leaves a “puzzle piece” in their brain. By the time they have reached the age of 16 and up, they most likely have already decided or already have become the kind of person they want to be. What they have witnessed and experienced throughout the years of their upbringing has left enough puzzle pieces for them to piece together the type of person they will be. If the child witnesses abuse, they will remember that. If the child witnesses prejudice and racism, they will remember that. If the child witnesses the complete opposite of that, such as acceptance, fairness, and acts of love; they will remember that. From the ages of ten to fifteen, research shows that “early adolescent brain goes through a growth...
The anti-hero, a flawed character acting as the protagonist, has grown in popularity despite the character’s questionable morals and unpredictable actions that follow. Those who oppose the anti-hero are widely ostracized in the piece itself and even publically. Skyler White, played by Anna Gunn, in AMC’s groundbreaking hit Breaking Bad is cast as the antagonist to her husband, Walter White, which is especially evident in season one episode five. In this episode Walt and Skyler’s relationship is the focus as the family looks at the course of action to take as they found out in the previous episode that Walt has lung cancer. Breaking Bad sets her up as the unlikeable antagonist using her gender, wardrobe, and cinematography to do so, while the
Choices, mistakes and consequences all sum up to your future. Ever since I can remember, my grandmother always had a tough time with my uncle and till this day she still does. I saw my grandmother suffer and it affected not only her, but the entire family. My grandmother is a woman of morals and values and taught those morals and values not only to my uncle, but to my mother and my aunt. No matter how much you teach a person, no matter how much you discipline a person the person can only change if they want to change. I consider myself part of the intended audience of “There Is No Blame; There Is Only Love” because my personal experiences lead me to agree with Ann Karasinski; that you can only help a person so much but it is up to them if they want to change their way of being.
Step one, discover who you truly are, which may take a lifetime. Step two, expression allows one to voice their opinions on life experiences. Step three, forgive and forget the things you have been dwelling on from your past. Your experiences may affect doing what you love as you’ll probably realize you fear those moments the most. Lastly, step four do what you love and allow yourself to hold onto your passions, in order to compose a sense of livelihood in addition to a profession. Before we have a positive attitude towards life, we must discover our inner self. make dysfunctional environments. Whatever the common thread is that links an individual to their family should be recognized and supported as that is what has shaped us all.
Sayings like, “I can’t do it.” “What if?” “I’m a failure.”, will never bring joy. In fact, bad habits like so will only lead one into a deeper pit of misery. Instead, practice being grateful for where you are today and how you can make a difference. For instance, in feminist therapy they strive for transformation; therefore, think of ways you could evolve and work on the things you would like to change. To be healthy people, need to take care of themselves first. A lot of times people are overwhelmed with tasks, for this reason, they experience burnout, anxiety, or depression. They often feel like they’re not good enough because they themselves haven’t experienced their self-worth. One must value themselves and comprehend that they have meaning in the world, that’s when happiness will arise. When faced with a crisis people often need to be heard. They need the opportunity to fully express themselves without holding back. For this reason, finding someone who will listen and understand without judgment is
I suddenly realized that I could not continue like this. I realized the dimensions of my problems. I needed to identify actual and potential problems. After that day , I tried to get into a conversation with somebody. I was trying to wean myself from the old life .I began to seek the help of social workers. I found that some people had a similar experience as me. I looked in the mirror every day to practice how to speak. When I had a conversation with others, I gathered my temper and spoke my mind. I always observed people's conversations. I tried to participate in social activities. As time went by, I started to talk more freely. My attitude towards life has changed. I think that even though my experience was terrible , but my reflection upon that terrible experience can help my new emotion strengthen. And I realized that I can succeeded when my attitude has changed.
However, for those of you like me who have no idea what you want to do and are being dragged, kicking and screaming into the real world, nothing sounds pretty good. Instead we need to start small like in the movie "What about Bob?" We need to take baby steps out of the office, then baby steps down the hall and baby steps all the way outside until eventually we will reach our home. But, deciding to live each day to the fullest and grasping every opportunity with both hands is a good way to start.
Family has major impacts on our lives. From the moment you were born, your family has taught you right from wrong. We get our religion, values, gender roles, language, and habits from our families. We get our status in society through your family’s connection and wealth which later can determine one’s job opportunities in life. Although we grow up and start to develop our own values and beliefs and opinions, the family values beliefs and opinion that were instilled in you since you were little never really go away.
They are the ones who support their children during those life decisions. Family is not always blood related. Finally, family is forever, family will never go away. Support is a massive part of the family. Family watches their kids and other family members fail and succeed all the time.
My family is who I have socialized most with since they were the first ever people I interacted with. Family has had a large influence over who I am today because they are the people who I learned almost everything from (primary socialization). The reason I have such high morals and values is because of my family. By observing and taking from their behavior I was able to form my own values through nurture. Although they taught me a lot of beneficial things that make me a better person, I have also learned from some of my family members bad habits. My uncle always smoked around the kids, including myself, when I was younger and I never liked the smell and now I associate that memory with cigarettes and it makes me not have any desire to smoke whatsoever. I also had another uncle who went to jail a lot for selling drugs and other related things, and since I definitely did not want to end up in jail I now make smart decisions, and associate myself with people who benefit me. On the whole my family has made me a nobler person by both their good and bad