Breaking Bad Cycles

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The first part of this comment is right. Everything we are and learn [at an early age] is taught to us by our parents and family. HOWEVER, as we grow, learn and mature it is up to us to break bad cycles and change our lives for the better. A cycle is a repeating set of behaviors that yield the same result. Albert Einstein defined insanity as “doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” We grow up watching family have bad behaviors and negative cycles regarding relationships, alcohol and drug addiction, and so much more. It’s easy to follow in their footsteps and even easier to blame them for our failures because we followed in their footsteps. That is not how life works. When you know better you do better. Maybe no one told your family they didn’t have to keep repeating the same bad behaviors and negative cycles so they did. I’m telling you now, if you’re reading this, you don’t and shouldn’t. It is up to each of us to break the bad behavior and negative cycle routine and create a new life for ourselves. And yes, this can be hard. It often means that you have to rid yourself of your current friends with all the bad behaviors and negative cycles you desire to let go of. If you don’t they will continue to pull you back into it. …show more content…

Then you have to identify what you want from life. You have to have a plan of action to get it. Find a mentor. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. At heart people are good and they want to help. The people you may need to ask or not going to be the same people stuck in the bad behaviors and negative cycles you are trying to escape from. Don’t be afraid to change. Remember that change won’t come over night. Change like life is a journey, but a journey worth

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