Breakfast All Day

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It’s Saturday morning. You just opened your eyes and the first thing you see is your alarm clock glaring at you. It’s 10:50. A string of profanities, three stubbed toes, and a jacket stuck in the door later, you are now in your car. The clock says 10:55.
It’s almost as if the universe is working against you as you get stopped by every light on the quarter mile trip from your house. Your almost there. Those golden arches are glowing brightly and a smile lights your face.
You pull into the drive-thru, roll down your window, and say, “Can I get a sausage McMuffin meal please?” A voice comes out through the speaker. “I’m sorry, we stopped serving breakfast.” It’s 11:05.
Everyone has experienced the horror. Everyone knows the pain of having to go without the Oh-So-Yummy-In-My-Tumminess that is McDonald’s breakfast.
For years, McDonald’s breakfast hours have been law. They are set in stone. There are no exceptions. Ever. 10:30 a.m. on the weekdays and 11 a.m. on weekends. But who says that is breakfast time? What if I want to eat breakfast at 11:15 or 11:40. Or dare I say 11:55?
Merriam-Webster defines breakfast as “the first meal of the day especially when taken in the morning.” Morning is generally accepted as anytime between dawn and noon. Noon. As in 12 p.m. Not 11 a.m. And certainly not 10:30 a.m. Who is McDonald’s to tell me when to eat breakfast? Who are they to tell me what time is lunch? Breakfast and lunch is whatever time you want it to be.
They have tried to compensate for their shortcomings by having a late night menu. From midnight until 4:30 a.m. McDonald’s offers breakfast and lunch menu items. But why? Certainly the people who want a McGriddles at 2:00 a.m. are vastly outnumbered by the people who want one at 11:...

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... of the great Sweet Brown, “Ain’t nobody got time for that.”
Why does McDonald’s insist on staying in the dark ages of the breakfast world? Why do they continue starving us of the delicious golden hotcakes and sausage at any time of day? I don’t know.
Recently there has been rumors of McDonald’s changing its ways. "Well, we're just beginning," he said. "We're just taking a look at it,” said John Stratton, head of domestic operations at McDonald’s. Just like they were a few years ago. And just like they will be ten years from now. Until then, I think I’ll have a waffle taco. But only before 11 a.m. of course.

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