Brain Cancer Informative Speech

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Have you ever had a family member that has had brain cancer before, and has wondered what caused it? People who have brain cancer have the symptoms of headaches (especially in the morning), lots of weakness, difficulty walking, seizures, vomiting, bad vision, difficulty of speech, and emotions change. As says. But, what causes this? If you had brain cancer you would start to lose your vision and you would start to have difficulty with walking and moving, because your brain controls all parts of your body that you probably don't even know. Your brain is probably the most important part of your body. If you get cancer you have to be very cautious of what you are you doing.
There are various things that cause brain cancer. First off, it starts with tumors in your body. Other things that can cause you to have brain cancer is radiation to your head, your DNA, HIV infection, smoking, and environmental chemicals. I know this because guidance/brain said this. You would like to seek help if you feel really sick to your stomach and if you start seeing two of things. This might just be that you are getting sick but just as a checkup you should get checked for brain cancer, or a start of cancer. Most people who …show more content…

Yes there are depending on how serious of cancer you have, the size, location, and your health and your age. The treatment for brain cancer is surgery which is usually the first procedure. To get prepared they shave your head, and open your skull a surgeon performs this procedure. This surgery may tear some of your veins if that were to happen the procedure may be a little harder to perform. Some people can't have surgery so they have radiation therapy. This procedure kills cells that the surgery couldn't. A very popular type of surgery is chemotherapy. This is a type of drug that also kills cells. This drug can be injected in different ways by mouth, veins , or in your

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