Boring Day Short Story

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Hey ya’ll, my name is Candy Jean. I live in Houstan Texas, in the middle of nowhere surrounded by horses and there foles along with cows and their calfs and it is such a beautiful sight waking up and the animals waiting impatiently at their stalls for their morning meals. After I get my animals fead, I have to go to school. UGH!! I hate school because I get made fun of so bad. Well I think I get made fun of bad, my other friends don’t think I get made fun of as bad as they do. So after I get done feeding my animals I go inside and start getting ready to start my normal boring day or school. NO IT CAN”T BE!!! It’s already 7:30 my bus gets here at 7:36 and I haven’t even got out of my pajamas!! …show more content…

A voice inside my head just reminded me did you do your science homework, nope, looks like I have to do homework on this bumpy, bumpy road that has so many pot holes in it which makes it almost impossible to read or even write, so im. Where the heck is my pencil i just had it? Samantha my best friend since like i don’t even remember when we’ve been friends for so long. Anyways, samantha did you take my pencil on accident? Finally I found my pencil, it was under my seat, but it’s no use any ways because this stupid road is too bumpy. So it looks like i’m going to get a big fat “F” for my homework assignment unless I want to turn it in tomorrow for half credit, which would probably be my best bet, I think that’s what i am going to to. Now it’s 2:58 almost time to get on the bus and go home and see my animals who will be waiting for their afternoon snack, also known as …show more content…

Please tell me that I am dreaming!!!!!! I JUST SAW ALL OF MY ANIMALS COME DOWN FROM THE SKY!!!. Apperantly I passed out because I woke up with samantha screaming in my face “are you ok” and I reply “ uhhh I think so, what happened?” and this is what Samantha told me “you kinda saw all of your animals come down from the sky and then you passed out and….. You are just now waking up. Okay, I think i’m good now can ya help me up? But what I saw was true right, I wasn’t just seeing things? Right or am I crazy?! When I finally let her talk she said “ well, what you saw was correct, as least what you managed to shout out before you passed out, and we can not tell anyone about this or else, or else reporters, fox 13, and a whole bunch of people will be out on this very ranch and most likely want to take your animals away, and I know you don’t want that to happen. Am I

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