Bora Research Paper

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Boa constrictors are very common in the pet trade usually going for around $75 for the more common and natural look to as much as multiple thousands of dollars for very rare morphs which will be covered later. Starting out with baby boa can be very cheap but as the boa grows in size it will need bigger food but less often. Boas readily eat frozen thawed. It is not recommended feeding a boa prey that is wider than the thickest part of its body. A young boa should be fed every 7-10 days and an adult will be fed slightly less often at 10-14 days. Do not handle your boa for 24 hours after it has eaten and while it’s shedding. It will need a bigger cage over the course of a few years starting with a small 10-15 qt. tub for the first few months to …show more content…

The cool spot should be no less than 75 degrees. The hot spot should be 85-90 degrees. This can be obtained with heat tape or heat lamps. DO NOT use heat rocks. The rule of thumb is never allow your snake to come into contact with the heat source or it could badly burn your snake. Make sure to keep the cage around 60-70% humidity using a hygrometer. You can obtain this humidity from the size of the water dish or misting the bedding. Some thermometers even come with an attached hydrometer. When the snake is shedding you may want to add a little more humidity by spraying the bedding or snake itself to help the shedding process. It is also recommended putting a hide on both sides of the cage though this is optional. If you want to put in branches or other accessories make sure it is secured and parasite free. Most substrate is fine though you may want a substrate that can hold humidity well and can be spot cleaned easily. Newspaper is a great choice for …show more content…

As the snake grows to adult-hood, the cage will take the majority of the budget. Luckily, the snake is a one-time cost and the cage will only be upgraded about three times in a five or so year span depending on how fast your specific snake grows. A general rule for cage size is a snake should be able to stretch the entire length and width of the cage. However, don’t go too big when the snake is young because the snake could stress out. Snakes live in confined areas in nature and generally feel more secure being in tight enclosed spaces much like a tarantula or scorpion. Boas are a very good natured snake. Just be warned that boas can get as big as 12 feet in extreme cases, with females growing larger than males, so caution should always be taken. Boa constrictors live for 20 or more years in captivity. They are a hardy snake and generally easy to take care of though one should always have a vet ready. A check-up is recommended once a year or two since snakes much like any living thing can develop problems without the owner

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