Book Review Of The Hunger Games By Suzanne Collins

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For this Final MIRR I did the book Hunger Games by: Suzanne Collins. This book is set in the future in a place called Panem. Panem rose from the remains of North America and it consists of a richer capital surrounded by 12 more poor districts that are under heavy supervision by the capital. Every year as a punishment for the rebellion against the capital there is an event called the Hunger Games that is meant to repress anyone from fighting against the capital and causing a revolution. The Hunger Games take children from the ages of 12 to 19 and you can enter your name more than once to earn food and money. The way they chose the people that go into the Hunger Games is called the reaping; this takes one girl and one guy from every district and forces them to fight for their lives. The two people that chosen where, Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark. They have to be trained by their mentor. A mentor is a person who won the last Hunger Games, and there job is to train the tributes about the Hunger Games. Before the Hunger Games starts you have a little time to prepare, this includes training, impressing the game makers and the capital and making some friends. You can receive donations when inside the arena, and to get donations you have to get lots of supporters, this is why you need to impress the capital. Once inside the arena anything goes, there are no rules. The last person standing will win and will be the mentor next year.

Character analysis:
Katniss Everdeen: Katniss is very responsible; I know this because she took care of her entire family on her own for multiple years. This shows responsibility because it is very hard to raise a 12 year old (prim the sister) on your own at the age of 16. Katniss feed prim, her mother an...

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...but rather its real life. This book presents so many range of problems almost anyone could read this. There is nothing I didn’t enjoy and I would recommend this to ages 12-
The reading strategy I used most while reading this book is visualisation. The reason this was the most used reading strategy was because of the way the book is laid out. The detail allows the reader to immerse themselves into the book and into the lives of the characters. Another reason I used visualisation is because for me it makes the book more exciting and adventures because it allows you to put yourself in the perspective of the character. For example when they (SPOILER ALERT) where running from these huge dogs at the end and they reached the cornucopia, I could imagine what it was like for them to be running and I could see the cornucopia even though there are no pictures.

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