Boil Skin Abscess

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Boil (Skin Abscess)
Mitchtisha Jones

Boil or skin abscess is known as a restricted infection in the skin that began as a reddened, tender area. Over time, the area becomes firm, hard, and increasingly tender. Eventually, the center of the boil softens and becomes filled with infection-fighting white blood cells from the bloodstream to get rid of the infection. Pus is formed when white blood cells, bacteria, and protein collects under the skin. The pus, then “forms a head." which can be surgically opened or may all of a sudden drain out through the skin. Boils can take place anywhere on the body. (E Medicine Health)
A skin abscess, also named a boil, is a bump that appears within and on the surface of the skin. This bump is usually …show more content…

Studies also show that this bacterial infection is immune to many antibiotics, which makes it hard to find a treatment. Researchers from UCLA have updated guidelines outlining the top ways to treat and deal with these abscesses. The number of MRSA cases has amplified severely over the decade. MRSA and other skin infections can be transmitted from person to person, an individual should be careful to keep lesions covered with a dressing; and wash hands thoroughly after touching the affected area. Research says, if you see a skin infection beginning, you should see your doctor and also avoid sharing personal items, such as towels, razors or brushes with people who have an active infection. (UCLA …show more content…

On my left hip I had a slight bump, over time it became soft and increasingly tender. I was told by numerous people that it was a boil, and it came from some form of infection and that it was easy to get rid of. As the days went by my, boil was not getting any better, and any touch or bump to my hip was causing excruciating pain. I do remember being told that applying a hot compress to the area will alleviate the pain. On week two, there was no change in my condition; I’ve done hot compresses, soaked in extremely hot water and even tried a heating pad. Given up all hope, I just decided to go to the hospital, while in the examination room, I was told that I was going to have to get the boil “lanced.” Lancing a boil means, to make a surgical incision so the pus can drain out since all the other options have been exhausted. I was numbed with a local anesthetic and my skin abscess was cut open drained and then packed with gauze. The nurse informed me to take an antibiotic and after one week to get in the shower and remove the gauze. One week goes by, and as I’m removing the gauze I notice my boil was yellow and still had pus oozing from the incision. After showing a couple of my family members I was told to go back to the hospital, because something was not right. Long behold, we are now on the third week of dealing with this skin abscess, the hospital staff told me that I had a severe

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