A Bacterial Skin Infection
Cellulitis is a fairly common bacterial infection of the skin. Cellulitis actually means “inflammation of the cells”. This infection is usually caused by the bacteria Streptococcus or Staphylococcus. Cellulitis infection can occur in anyone, yet there are some risk factors and a more susceptible population. Cellulitis is an “opportunistic” infection which occurs through breaks in the skin. Redness, warmth, swelling and pain are symptoms of this infection. Seeking medical attention is a must for this infection.
Cellulitis: A Skin Bacterial Infection 3
Cellulitis Infection
Cellulitis is an acute spreading bacterial infection of the connective tissue, dermis and subcutaneous layers of the skin (ProQuest 07/2012 pg.5). Characterized by redness, swelling, warmth, tight/shiny skin and pain. It is sometimes accompanied by fever, swollen lymph nodes, chills and fatigue. Cellulitis first appears on pink-to-red minimally inflamed skin. The area of infection rapidly becomes deeper red and increases in size as the infection spreads. Occasionally, red streaks may radiate outward from cellulitis. Blisters or pus filled bumps may also be present (skinsight 12/2012 pg.5). The main culprit is the bacteria Streptococcus and Staphylococcus which can enter through a break in the skin.
Normal skin has many types of bacteria living on it. Cellulitis can occur in anyone. Increases risk factors include: Diabetes, cracks or peeling skin between toes, skin wounds/trauma, chronic lower leg edema, Athletes foot, insect bites/stings or bites from animal or human, obesity, corticosteroid medications or medications that suppress the immune system , poor leg circulation (peripheral...
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Cellulitis incidence in a defined population. (2005, September 7).Retrieved , from http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2870381/
Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). (2008, January 19). Geocaching.com. Retrieved , from http://www.geocaching.com/geocache/GC12ZMQ_staphylococcus-aureus-mrsa
Hochadel, M. (2014). Mosby's Drug Reference for Health Care Professionals (fourth edition ed.). : Elsevier.
Cellulitis in Adults: Condition, Treatment and Pictures - Overview | skinsight. (n.d.). Cellulitis in Adults: Condition, Treatment and Pictures - Overview | skinsight. Retrieved January 1, 2012, from http://www.skinsight.com/adult/cellulitis-Print.htm
Diagnosing and managing lower limb cellulitis/ proquest (2012, july 9)/ retrieved from http://search.proquest.com.ezp-02.lirn.net/healthcomplete/printviewfile?account=158514
I think that this source is reliable because it is from a website that has been created by the government intended to inform the general public about the use of drugs, and therefore it is unlikely to give out false information.
The varieties of pharmaceutical and prescription drugs that are available to the public provide many different consequences, which could lead to other health problems among users. Opioids, for example, are typical...
...may have the same symptoms. The symptoms are red bumps that may bleed if the sores are picked over.
The disease, botulism, which is caused by Clostridium botulinium, is an emerging infectious disease. Clostridium botulinium is a bacterium that produces a neurotoxin that causes botulism. The bacterium is spore-forming, and anaerobic, meaning it does not need oxygen to grow. There are three main types of illnesses that Clostridium botulinium typically cause: Food-borne botulism, infant botulism, and wound botulism. Unbeknownst to common knowledge, infant botulism is the most common form of the disease, consisting of seventy-five percent of the reported cases of the disease (Chan-Tack, & Bartlett, 2010).
Almost one hundred years ago, prescription drugs like morphine were available at almost any general store. Women carried bottles of very addictive potent opiate based pain killers in their purse. Many individuals like Edgar Allen Poe died from such addictions. Since that time through various federal, state and local laws, drugs like morphine are now prescription drugs; however, this has not stopped the addiction to opiate based pain killers. Today’s society combats an ever increasing number of very deadly addictive drugs from designer drugs to narcotics to the less potent but equally destructive alcohol and marijuana. With all of these new and old drugs going in and out of vogue with addicts, it appears that the increase of misuse and abuse is founded greater in the prescription opiate based painkillers.
Even though S. aureus is mainly associated with food poisoning, the bacterium can penetrate the skin or other mucous membranes to invade a range of tissues which will cause a variety of infections. Superficial infection of the skin can cause boils, impetigo, styes (infection of the glands or hair follicles of the eyelids), folliculitis, and furnacles. All of these infections are charac...
Necrotizing fasciitis, known commonly known as "flesh eating bacteria [infection]", occurs in a wide range of people 1. It occurs in the elderly, middle aged and younger patients. It occurs in athletes and debilitated individuals. It can occur in drug abusers with self inflicted wounds and healthy individuals with incidental injuries. It may occur in those with metabolic disorders such as diabetes and those with suppressed immune systems. It may occur in those with no underlying disorders and no known particular injury. It occurs under ordinary circumstances such as a seemingly harmless cut or scrape and in wounds resulting from major trauma such as an auto accident.
Nursing Spectrum Drug Handbook 2009. (2011). The Free Dictionary. Retrieved June 11, 2011, from The Free Dictionary: http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/hydromorphone+hydrochloride
Potent pain medication contains the aspects of utilizing medications such as morphine or demerol, how the medications are dispensed, and t...
LEE, MARTIN A. "Prescription: Cannabis." Nation 297.20 (2013): 27. Academic Search Complete. Web. 3 June 2014.
Manchikanti, Laxmaiah. “National Drug Control Policy and Prescription Drug Abuse: Facts and Fallacies.” Pain Physician Journal 10 (May 2011): 399-424. Print.
The Web. The Web. 10 Apr. 2014. The 'Standard' of the 'Standard'. http://www.drugwarfacts.org/. Miron, Jeffrey A. & Co.
Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs) Symptoms, Causes, Treatment - What is a urinary tract infection (UTI)? - MedicineNet. (n.d.). Retrieved March 22, 2016, from http://www.medicinenet.com/urinary_tract_infection/page2.htm
Engelkirk & Burton (1979) state that bacteria can reproduce asexually by simple division of cells and some bacteria reproduce sexually by conjunction. A bacterium is a waste producer of products and secretions. This allows pathogens to invade their hosts to cause disease some of these harmful diseases are Scarlet fever, an acute illness, characterized by a reddish skin rash, which is caused by systematic infection with the bacterium streptococcus. St. Anthony’s Fire is another bacterial disease. “St. Anthony’s Fire which is an acute superficial form of celluitus involving the dermal lymphatic, usually caused by infection with streptococci and chiefly characterized by a peripherally spreading hot, bright red, oedematous.
Cellulites is another dry skin condition, where the skin layers are inflamed due to a bacterial infection. It is best to take care of dry skin as soon as you know you have it, rather than allow more serious complications to develop.