Blood Rush Short Story

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It’s pitch dark. There’s a sudden hush spread across the room. An inhale, an exhale. One single breath fills everyone’s lungs simultaneously when a light suddenly burst through the darkness, illuminating the stage where I stand. I can hear the respiration in the room; I can feel my heart beat. I say my first line and from there, it’s golden.

I’ve been performing since I was five years old. In the beginning, it was dance recitals. The initial rush I felt being on stage, presenting something I’d worked so hard on in front of a crowd of people…it was exhilarating. It was like a drug. It was something I knew I had to continue to do for the rest of my life.

Fast forward to 7th grade and I’m 12 years old, in my first acting class ever. I’m timid, confused, and incredibly self-conscious, so I prefer to keep to myself, therefore, I don’t like talking in front of people in fear that they’ll judge me. Then my teacher says we’ll be auditioning for parts in our Christmas play. My heart skips a beat and I feel the blood rush to my cheeks. This isn’t like dancing, where you let the dance moves speak for you, this is a whole different ball game. We’re handed the script and I …show more content…

I’m in the zone, I know my lines as if it was my own story. I’ve never felt so self-assured in my life and it feels phenomenal, it feels like freedom. I slowly walk up the steps to the stage, my theater teacher is sitting in the middle of the auditorium. She looks minuscule, not nearly as intimidating as I initially thought she would and I send her a tiny smile before I introduce myself and the character I’m auditioning for. Taking a deep breath, I say my monologue. It’s over so quickly that I feel robbed, I spent every waking moment practicing this and it’s finished in just a minute and 30 seconds. I step off the stage, send a fleeting wave to my other classmates who are waiting for their audition and bolt out the

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