Black Water Philosophy

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I am not sure I can recall a single a time that I felt most connected to reality. One time I can think of is swimming at night in the lake down my street. There was a crescent moon in the sky bright enough to create a reflection on the water but not so bright as to out shine the stars. The water was clear enough that I could see the light reflect on the stones and pebbles in the shallow end. The deeper you went the darker the water till it appear black. Not due to murkiness because I could see my pale limbs and toes as gazed down into the water, but because of the lack of light. There are most definitely fish in my lake, fish with teeth but nothing I believed that would bother me so close to shore. The black water created a sense of unknown …show more content…

All these limbs are processes to further lead a person to the their true self (atman), and to the ultimate reality (Brahman). The universal moral principles are those practices that are meant to counteract and stop ignorance. As discussed …show more content…

Posture involves being flexible and having the endurance to stay seated comfortable for prolonged period of time. Without posture it becomes nearly impossible to enter into the early stages of practicing yoga. Breath control is the next limb. Breath control is paramount in obtaining spirituality. Breathing is something every living human being does, it is (not including those on life support) an unconscious continuous process. However, a person’s breath is something they can control and once a person has control of their breath they gain so much control over themselves. From a person’s heart beat to their emotions all physical processes begin and end with breath. By regulating breathing a person can begin to master themselves. Breath control is contributed in a large part to transcending being to the true self. The fifth limb of yoga is withdrawal of the senses. Withdrawing from the senses happens with the mind disassociates with the object of the body. Which allows for the mind to focus inward furthering a person to their true self. “Withdrawal is thus the transitional phase in the process of introversion that culminates in concentration, meditation, and pure contemplation”

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