Black Mirror's Nosedive Analysis

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In assessing both of these clips from Black Mirror’s Nosedive, this futuristic reality reveals the complications and restrictions that is harbored in a world of immediate convenience as one’s likeability within this society, ultimately determines access to resources and other societal opportunities. The first clip portrays the main character Lacie Pound reuniting with her old friend from her childhood, whereas the second clip shows Lacie in a completely different setting in which she doesn’t filter her personality at all in order to appear more likeable. In applying Jean Baudrillard’s Simulations, this author consistently analyzes the different functioning aspects that work together a tangible reality that influences everyday life within a …show more content…

Through Herbert Marcuse’s One-Dimensional Man, this author assesses how individuals as one dimensional people function in relation to different elements within a society. As the problem of modern life is identified through a lack of human interaction, this reveals that people become dehumanized at the core of how people are inherently social individuals as they primarily compose a society. Additionally, the author goes on to explain the process of liberation of one’s own imagination as they attempt to escape an oppressive society as this pertains to one’s critical consciousness. Essentially, the critical consciousness looks to find authentic truth through finding discrepancies in everyday life and focuses on freedom, humanity as critical consciousness that fights for a world that is progressive. As people continue to develop and grow within this society, individuals become subject to the oppressive institutions and corporations set in place as “the advancing one-dimensional society alters the relation between the rational and the irrational” as “the ability to act with good conscience…[testifies] to the extent in which the Imagination has become an …show more content…

One of the key elements of this film is that it reveals how the primary human population is being manipulated and controlled through a variety of societal institutions without even realizing it. As Theodor Adorno assesses how people ultimately make decisions that bring them the most pleasure in his writing of: Culture Industry Reconsidered, primarily takes into account how corporations influences the decisions make within a society. A primary aspect that occurs as a result of the influence of corporations is the element of a culture within a society that impacts people to make submissive decisions to greater institutions in a way that functions to produce some sort of monetary benefit to that society. As consumers become victims of this manipulative system,“it may also be supposed that the consciousness of the consumers themselves is split the culture industry” as individuals become submissive to the benefits that this form of society produces while remaining oblivious to the means used to obtain this goal (Adorno, 5.) This author goes on to explain how the culture industry has created a system in which conformity has replaced the consciousness among the public. Since this form of

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