Bill Gates Leader Report

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Bill Gates Leader Report

My favorite leader is William Henry Gates III, or Bill Gates to most people. Bill Gates is a computer engineer and world-class entrepreneur. He founded Microsoft Corporation in 1975 with a high school friend named Paul Allen. The leadership role that he serves is chairman and chief software architect of Microsoft Corporation. Up until 1998, Gates was CEO of the company, but he relieved himself of those duties, and currently is only a software architect and serves on the Microsoft committee. He currently is involved in all the new creations of new Microsoft technology and products. Microsoft is currently the most powerful computer company on the face of the planet. They create everything from video games and personal pc’s to even cell phones. Bill Gates is also well known for being one of the richest human beings on the face of the planet.

Bill Gates was born October 28, 1955 in Seattle, Washington. He has two sisters, his father William H. Gates II, who was an attorney, and his mother Mary Gates who was a schoolteacher. He married on January 1, 1994 to Melinda French Gates, and currently has three children. He went to a public school until the seventh grade, when he enrolled in Seattle’s private school, Lakeside School. At Lakeside School, Gates met Paul Allen, who would later be the co-founder of Microsoft. At the age of thirteen, Bill Gates was first introduced to computers and the different program languages. Lakeside School purchased a Teletype machine which was connected to a mainframe over the phone line. This school was one of the very first in the entire country to allow students to have access to computer devices. Students at Gates’ school convinced a local computer company...

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...or everyone to use. He is one of the largest technological leaders in the world. He has shown me that positive thinking and a creative mindset can be spread out all throughout a corporation and across the world. To this day, Microsoft is creating new forms of advancements in technology, and never settling for just good enough. Gates strives on effectiveness and efficiency. Recently, Gates has also shown me that it is okay to step down from a high position to instill trust in others. He is still high up in his corporation, but he has bestowed power unto others to lesson the workload on himself. Bill Gates’ computer skills and vast improvement in the technological world will be studied for many years to come.


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