Bilingual Persuasive Speech

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To persuade my audience that schools should provide a bilingual education starting in kindergarten.

Central Idea: Bilingual education In both public, and private schools be implemented more aggressively, and seen as a necessity for the better advancement of students.

(Transition: I would like to start off with the various benefits of this education.)

How many of you here today speak more than one or two languages?
How many of you can say that you have learned to read, write, and speak another language in school?
Learning to speak one language fluently and eloquently is nice, but It’s not nice enough.
My first language was Spanish which i learned at home by my family, however I cannot say that i have learned to speak another …show more content…

I have the benefit of being a bilingual student, and I know the benefits it provides.
Researching this subject extensively has opened my mind further to the benefits of knowing various languages and I wish to persuade my audience on why we need this education in our schools.
Perhaps some of you work with kids or In the school system in general, and even If you dont I hope that this speech can sway all of us in to making this a topic of discussions.
With this being said I will proceed to talk about many benefits of knowing more than one language, compare how other countries go about multilingual learning, and the possible ways that we can implement this further in our schools.
(Transition: I would like to start off with the numerous benefits that becoming bilingual can provide.)
Becoming Bilingual, or better yet, multilingual, provides many social,health, professional, and cognitive benefits.
Students will communicate with others more effectively. 1. The United States Is the most racially diverse country, knowing more than one language will limit social barriers. B. Traveling to Foreign countries would become less

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