Big Dipper Research Paper

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I have chosen the 'Big Dipper'. This has been my favorite constellation ever since I was a young child. Probably because it has been the easiest for me to locate each night. It's the easiest to find and once you see it you can follow it to find the 'Little Dipper', in which I can find the North Star.

Retelling the Greek version of the story behind Big Dipper started out when God Zeus turned the nymph Callisto into a bear. Hiding Callisto from his wife. Meanwhile Callisto's son Actas was hunting and came across a big bear. Zeus not wanting him to kill his own mother placed both Callisto and Actas up in the sky as big bear and little bear. Or as we now know them big dipper, little dipper.

A young traveler was walking through a desert. It

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