Biblical Church Leadership Summary

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NEW TESTAMENT VIEW OF LEADERSHIP In his book Biblical Eldership: An Urgent Call to Restore Biblical Church Leadership, author Alexander Strauch defends a bible-based leadership structure designed to govern the church. He argues that a plurality of elders is biblically modeled, apostolically appointed, and best suited to both the familial nature of the Church and the exclusive headship of Christ over her. He defines eldership in the biblical terms of shepherding and concludes that the primary responsibilities of biblical elders are to nurture the flock on God’s Word, lead well, cover the flock against the destructive antics of false teachers, and care for hurting or drifting sheep. He covers all the major New Testament passages that offer direction and provide guidance on elders. Strauch highlights the importance of structure to the health and holiness of the local church and is clear, ultimately structure determines how things are done in the local church… the point is, the structure of the church both reflects and determines our theology and beliefs.”[3] There are many things to be managed within a church structure, but the overall structure of the church …show more content…

Phil Newton, author of Elders in Congregational Life, believes that there is nothing more critical in the elder-led structure than setting forth biblical qualifications for church leaders. If the congregation understands the requirements for being an elder, members will have greater respect for the elder body.[5] The major concern of the New Testament in relation to church leadership is to ensure that the right kind of men will serve as elders and deacons.[6] The offices of Gods church are not positions to be given haphazardly to those that have attended the church the longest, or those that are older in age. They are for all who meet the apostolic, biblical

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