Bhutan Case Study

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1.1 Background
Bhutan is a small Himalayan country also known as a landlocked country. Third king Jigme Dorji Wangchuck is known as the Father of modernization and introduced First Five Year Plan in 1961 in order to bring development in the country. His majesty the third king also implemented other ideas such as reaching out Bhutan to the world community by joining the United Nations in 1971 and domestic reforms such as the establishment of a National Assembly (Bhutan Majestic Travel, 2015). This process of development leads to different exposure to Bhutan. Many tourists across the country visit Bhutan because of its unique culture and identity. They prefer visiting Bhutan and learn how to dress into the national dress that …show more content…

The irony is that our Bhutanese citizens mainly the youths are drawn towards western culture and their level of respecting or appreciating own Bhutanese culture is declining. Westernization comes from modernization. As Bhutan is no longer an isolated country and is exposed to many other foreign countries with the help of development in technologies, transportation systems and education level. Technologies help to connect people across the world with help of internet and telephones. Transportation systems are well developed that there is no inconvenience faced while traveling with help of airplanes. Education level in Bhutan has increased and better facilities are provided, which is a plus point to connect across the world with help of knowing how to read, write and learn other language. Modernization is a process of change that starts within the society, whereas westernization is the …show more content…

Mostly youths take it as a process to development in a country which is good for present and will be good for future. They take it as a chance to improvement and chance to get explore and experience new things in live. Almost 68% of 20 people interviewed, has given many positive impact of westernization and 32% of 20 people interviewed had said that westernization is deteriorating Bhutanese culture and they even feel that the aesthetic value is decreasing.

3.7 Issues faced by the Bhutanese Society because of westernization
There are many other issues faced through westernization and out of which, issue such as the fear of losing country’s independent is rated as the highest while conducting survey. 60% of the people have voted for this issue. The second highest issue is forgetting our own culture that is with 24% of the respondents. The rest of it is in others that are of 16% of the people. It is said that most of the students today has a hard time reading a Dzongkha text

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