Bharat Bhattarai: The Greatest Heros

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What is a hero? When we think about a hero; what is the first thing that comes into our mind? To some a hero might be a legendary person or someone of great strength and ability. For example, a solider or someone admired for their amazing achievements. A hero is someone who can be calm during the saddest moments of their lives and someone who can change the world with their amazing courage, which can be seen from Betty Friedan, Steve Jobs and Bharat Bhattarai. First of all, Betty Friedan was born on February 4, 1921. “Friedan was a writer, feminist and women’s rights activist” (“Betty Friedan Biography”). Friedan fought for women rights; she believed that every woman should not stay at home all day and should go out and seek new opportunities …show more content…

Bharat Bhattarai is just an average guy in America, but he is the greatest hero of them all. He had to go through the toughest part of a person’s live, losing a parent. Not only did Bharat Bhattarai lose his father, he also lost the hero of his life. In some instances people can lose their mind and go crazy after losing their loved ones. But this was not the case for Bharat Bhattarai as filled all the negatives moments with the positive ones which kept him strong during the most tragic moment of his life. Like specified before, it is well to think positively and not negatively, which helped Bharat Bhattarai turn into a great hero by considering the other friends and family in his life, which made him understand that they will need him to be stronger than any other time at the deplorable minute, which is precisely what he did, by realizing that he has two elementary school who see him as the greatest hero in his eyes, and cannot let that feeling change by going crazy. He did not always have those days where he was super strong and proceed on ward, on a few days he would have contemplations that would make him super pitiful but none the less he would constantly beat those moments by recalling the greatest things that his father taught his which was to be strong, “never give up and to not lose to or give in to anything in life no matter how bad the situation may be” (Bhattarai). These are exactly what he did, and helped him sustain the extraordinary measure of mettle that most normal individuals do not have. So not only was Bharat Bhattarai calm during the saddest moments of his lives change the world of his two kids with his amazing courage, he became a hero for his loved ones and did this by remembering that everything in life is not filled with hate and that many things in life can feel different with a

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