Bermuda Triangle Conspiracy

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There are so many unsolved mysteries of the world. Including, Atlantis, a city that mysteriously sunk into the ocean, Area 51, a remote facility used by the United States Air force which has reported UFO sightings and many more. The mystery that is most intriguing is the Bermuda Triangle. The Bermuda Triangle is a section of the Atlantic Ocean. Several planes and ships have mysteriously disappeared, without a trace. It has been unsolved for centuries. Scientists have been searching for answers, but most don’t make sense.The main theories of why planes and ships disappear in the Bermuda Triangle are, Hexagonal Clouds,High Energy Levels, and Whirlpools in the Bermuda Triangle.One of the main theories why planes and ships in the Bermuda Triangle …show more content…

The second theory is that there is high energy in the Bermuda Triangle. Testing is continually done in the Bermuda Triangle area. Tools have been developed to track the amount of energy and scientists are often shocked when the energy levels go off the charts. The high energy is referred to as Electronic Fog. “Electronic Fog: Bizarre storm clouds caused by thunderclouds and high level solarwinds.” ( 1:37-1:42) Scientists confirm, “We have an awful lot of energy here.” ( 2:13-2:16) The excess energy may possibly be interfering with airplane controls and impacting the true north on the aircraft comapsses. Which can explain why planes can get off route. Here’s a wellknown example, “A pilot took off in a beach craft flying from St. Thomas to Miami. Hours later he reported himself off Miami, losing his engines, going down to ditch, he was at 150 ft. and disoriented in clouds.” ( 0:33- 0:49) This second theory can explain why planes can get off route when up in the air. There is a lot of energy and that much energy can mess up the controls. I have one more theory that can explain why ships and planes disappear in the Bermuda Triangle.My last theory is whirlpools. The whirlpools would be caused by trenches under the water, and on the ocean floor. When the trenches collapse, the whirlpools form which pull the ships under the water.Scientists state, “According to Brazilian scientist Guilherme Castellane, the

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