Benevolent Sexism

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There are few types of sexism, namely Benevolent, Hostile and Ambivalent. Benevolent sexism can be harmful to women; no research has been examined so far whether it is perceived as a form of sexism among ordinary men and women. It is a form of prejudice that people endorsed and would be less likely to be perceived as sexist than those endorsing hostile sexist. The process through which people fail to recognize as a form of prejudice would describe benevolent sexism. The most common debate that benevolent sexists do not match the mental prototype of sexist perpetrators due to the fact they are seen as likable and they are less likely to be seen as sexists. Positively, benevolent sexism is evaluated than hostile sexism, this judgmental process …show more content…

Expression of sexism is often quite subtle, it can be portrayed positively, and for instance, men would chat to women in a decent way of presenting himself to communicate in a form of jokes or a form of flattery. This is an example that focuses on a specific type of ‘positive’ sexism, namely benevolent sexism as compared to hostile sexism. Today, the present research of social scientist address this important gap in existing knowledge directly examining whether benevolent sexism is perceived as sexist, by studying the psychological process that mediates these perceptions among men and women. However, it has been documented within research in parallel on social identity processes in other inter-group contexts (Tajfel & Turner, 1979). Research demonstrated, despite its positive tone and stemming from a genuine feeling towards women, clearly benevolent sexism has a negative perception. Gender stereotypes and of old-fashioned have been predicted the endorsement of benevolent sexism would relate to sexual harassment as well as to negative reactions to rape victims. Moreover, women’s conviction indicates that they must receive male protection; the research has shown that benevolent sexism is positively collaborating with attitudes that legitimize domestic violence. Lastly, benevolent sexism might be considered difficult to combat than hostile sexism, no direct evidence that this is true or why this might be the case because it passes unnoticed as a form of

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