Benefits Of Mindfulness

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What did you learn as a result of practicing mindfulness? I feel that I have learned a lot from practicing mindfulness. I have learned that often I am unaware of what’s going on in my body. I have enjoyed doing mindfulness body scans before I go to bed each night and find that at times there are sensations, muscle tensions, or even pain that I was completely unaware of. I know the purpose of mindfulness isn’t relaxation, but as I became aware of tense areas of my body, I would relax them and at the end of mindfulness practice, I felt increased muscle relaxation. I also found that I fall asleep much faster when I do mindfulness. Mindfulness before bed also helps me to be present in the current moment instead of worrying about all the tasks I …show more content…

I have found that mindfulness has a calming effect on my emotions. Sometimes it is difficult for me to practice mindfulness when I am feeling a significant amount of stress or anxiety, but practicing it every day I feel has helped to regulate my emotions. I have been able to separate myself from my thoughts by doing mindfulness that helps me to identify and label thoughts as simply thoughts that come and go. I have also been more present in the current moment and appreciated what was going on around me. I had increased awareness of the colors, shapes, sounds, smells, tastes, and textures. Mindfulness has also aided in my ability to defuse from my thoughts. I have done mindfulness exercises where I imagine writing my thoughts on a leaf and allowing them to float down a stream, or imagine them as clouds drifting across the sky and allow myself to focus on them for a time, then let them go. At times when I feel overwhelmed, I am able to use mindfulness to focus on my breathing, which has helped me to calm down and avoid unwanted reactions to …show more content…

It took me a while to realize this was true and learn what self-care is for me. Personally, an important aspect of self-care is getting enough sleep at night, because I have difficulty functioning on little sleep. Exercise is also a great way for me to release stress, tension, and improve my mood. I plan to continue to make time to exercise most days a week as a professional. As a social worker, I know that having a support system is vital for our clients, and it is also invaluable for me as well. I have a few people in my life that I can vent to when I’ve experienced a stressful day and talking out my difficulties is very

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