Growing Up In A Small Town

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Growing up in a small town has its benefits along with its disadvantages. When asked about where I am from I usually can’t just say “Waterford Ohio” because people never know where that is. When I explain where I am from I have to say that I am about twenty minutes north of Marietta, then they understand. This can get very aggravating to me because I feel as if my hometown is something special that nobody knows about. When I say I live in a small town, I mean that I live in a town with approximately only four hundred and fifty people total (Waterford, Ohio). It doesn’t seem like much, but to me it was just the right amount. To grow up in a town that everybody knew everybody was an incredible feeling, because any time that an accomplishment …show more content…

They have a five-star review on almost all food websites. Waterford is known for this because there is only two of them in the whole world and we just happen to be the original home of it. Garrett and Becky Powers are the owners of this business, but they have recently retired and handed both restaurants down to their children. The thing that is very unique about Jukebox is that it is not just a pizza place, it also has pasta, subs, burgers, and very good salads. Anytime people come to my hometown, I make sure that I take them there because I want them to experience …show more content…

It is in Wolf Creek Local School District. That is where I went to school from kindergarten till graduation my senior year. I graduated with forty-two kids in my class and because of that I became very close to all of my classmates and knew each and every one of them on a personal level. We all were like a big family and I love that about Waterford. The only disadvantage about going to a small school like Waterford, was that I didn’t think that we had the same opportunities as the kids at bigger schools. We didn’t have the chance to take college prep classes. We took classes through Washington State Community College but they were taught by our high school teachers which did not really prepare me for the real college

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