Benefits Of Dark Chocolate

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To many people, chocolate is a sweet treat to be enjoyed occasionally. It is commonly viewed as an indulgence that is entirely bad for one’s health. What many people do not know about dark chocolate is that it has provides many health benefits. This is a game changer for the classic treat because it is quite rare to find health benefits within such a widely enjoyed candy. Dark chocolate is traditionally seen as an incredibly unhealthy food. However, the health benefits attached to this treat, such as lowering blood pressure, improving children’s behavior, and reducing the likelihood of suffering from a heart attack or stroke, can transform it into a favorable snack for many to enjoy. Consuming something that both tastes good and has plentiful …show more content…

The sugar and fat content found within most chocolatey treats can quickly cancel out the benefits that the cacao poses. Dark chocolate is processed in order to make it more palatable, but this process often causes the sweet to lose some of the chemicals that make cacao healthy. If one were to consume too much dark chocolate, they could experience high blood pressure among other health complications. Therefore, it is extremely important to practice moderation when consuming this treat in search of its health benefits. It is recommended that one eats no more than 150 calories or one ounce of dark chocolate so as to receive only the benefits associated with the candy (Drayer 13).By following this simple rule, many could be on the path to a healthier …show more content…

Complications concerning one's’ heart and blood pressure plague numerous people around the world. Prevention of such complications is critical when working toward an overall healthier world.
Without knowing the studies about dark chocolate, recommending one to eat chocolate every day seems ignorant and unhealthy. To an extent that can be true. Eating copious amounts of chocolate poses almost no health benefits and does nothing beneficial for a person’s body. However, enjoying the treat in a controlled way is completely acceptable given the positive outcomes associated with consuming the right type of chocolate. Dark chocolate is not as bad as one may think, and it could greatly affect one’s life in a positive

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