Sociological Imagination

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The term Sociological Imagination was coined by C. Wright Mills and refers to seeing sociological situations from a broad point of view, going beyond one’s thoughts and feelings, and by seeing it how others would see it. In the textbook Introduction to Sociology by Giddens, et. al Mills argued that we needed to “overcome our limited perspective…[and have] a certain quality of mind that makes it possible to understand the larger meaning of our experiences” (4). Therefore one should look at the overall social problems and not at a specific individual’s situation. With this concept in mind I am going to analyze the Guardian online 2012 article “Why our food is making us fat,” by Jacques Peretti. The article mainly speaks about the rapid rise in obesity and the main contributor to it, High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS). The article also points out some of the economic and political influences behind HFCS.
HFCS is being used for almost every food product in the food industry. However, if we look at HFCS from a limited point of view we just see it as something present in our food and not the health factors behind it. HFCS can be habit forming since it is a sweet replacement for sugar and in his article Peretti mentions that David Kessler said “sugar, through its metabolisation by the gut and hence the brain, is extremely addictive, just like cigarettes or alcohol.” People enjoy the taste and because of this they consume large quantities, which lead to health factors such as: obesity, diabetes, heart problems, infertility, liver problems, and so on. Our limited perspective may cause us to lose sight of how much of a risk HFCS possess. In my case I use to think that my family gained significant amount of weight only through fatty foods and...

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...viduals just look at what is in front of them and not at the bigger picture. That bigger picture shows the potential heath risks associated with HFCS. It also shows the corruption and moneymaking schemes behind the HFCS. Sociological Imagination is important when looking at this issue because it lets us view how HFCS affects society as a whole, and how we should strive to move forward with this knowledge. I was not very conscious about HFCS because I looked at it as just a byproduct in many foods. But analyzing the article with the Sociological Imagination made me realize the health aspects, the economic aspects, and the social aspects that can results from HFCS. Now that I am aware of the effects of HFCS I will be more diligent when purchasing and consuming certain food products. I will also be able to give better advice to my family and friends in regards to it.

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