Benefits Of A Circular Economy

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Growth. The world economy is build around it. Corporations are always trying to grow their market. Always trying to grow their position in the market. Always trying to increase profits. Governments are always trying to increase trade. Increase exports. Grow their economy so that they can get more tax. The rise of globalization in the past few decades has lead to even more growth and economic development and some countries economies have been growing without fail. Can economic growth continue forever though? Some economist think so and continue to extoll the benefits of the current system that chases after exponential growth. There are those economist and scientist though who point out that there are real physical limits that growth must eventually …show more content…

There are many solutions proposed by various peoples, groups, and organizations. One solution is to turn to what is called a circular economy. Also might be know for the principles "Reduce, Reuse and Recycle"(Qiao p.253). A circular economy is an economy focused on more ethical and sustainable production and development. According to Qiao(2013), “The circular economy concept was first introduced in the 1960s by American economist K. Boulding”(p.254). A circular economy focuses on recycling and reusing resources. It also aims to reduce the amount of energy and resources used. As Qiao states, “the circular economy is an economic development model that pays all its attention to the quality of development, use of science and technology, resource savings and clean production”(p.256). That mean s it focuses on being as environmentally friendly as possible. This goes hand and hand with another solution. Sustainable Energy development. Sustainable energy is another solution to the problem of diminishing resources. Sustainable energy is energy that is produced from a sources that is natural process like solar, wind and geothermal. Also energy produced from a source that is easily,cleanly produced and replenish-able such as bio-energy and hydrogen fuel cells. For these technologies to have a big enough effect, there must be a massive shift to their adoption. While there are those who would rightly point out the cost associated with this, the alternative is more

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