Recycling Concept

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The recycling concept concerns reusing or remanufacturing to form a less polluted and healthy environment suitable to live in.
In the late 1990’s people consume large amount of products that at that time the average usage waste of the product s is approximately 200 pounds of wastes per day from each person in the united states ( Biswas et al., 2000). Year after another the wastes kept growing until they developed recycling industry to solve the problem. In addition, Biswas et al. (2000) also mentioned that when the recycling industry has developed, Pieters and Clooegues were thinking of a way to motivate the people to recycle.
Not only people should recycle waste to protect the environment; they have to use the recycled products too, otherwise the recycling will not be worth the effort (Biswas et al., 2000). The myth that people belive in is that as long as the product is recycled, then it has lower quality than before it is recycled. However, it depends on the product itself if it is typical, so the product keeps its quality even after rcycling (Biswas et al., 2000).

consumer recycling behavior should be developed to enhance and increase the recycling activities which will result in conserving natural resources, increasing in economic benefits, and to keep the environment clean.
Biswas, Lucata, McKee, Pulling, and Daughtraige (2000) claim that recycling objectives or items reduces its economical value because the product costs rely on its used materials more than the manufacturing service. Therefore, recycled items are usually cheaper than no recycled ones; but still consumers prefer the products that is not recycled because of its higher quality that the recycled product (Biswas et al., 2000).
It is challengeable to recy...

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... that people will save money when recycling (Trudel, 2013).
Researchers categorize the products into different classes and graded structure, such that a consumer categorize a product based on how typical it is. Moreover, with the categorizing, it is easier for the manufacturer or the consumer to determine whether the product is worth recycling or it will only turn into garbage after recycling. Therefore, it depends on the consumption of the product if it will be useful after recycling it or it will throw away (Trudel, 2013).
Trudel states that the researchers study the product if it is too small after the consumption that the product loses its quality, so the product is not worth recycling. In addition, the researchers go through five studies to determine if the product is worth recycling or not; the result will show how the product will be after the recycling.

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