Being Influential Research Paper

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Introduction - Being influential Many people like myself were raised with the notion that people we saw on TV were influential because of what they did and not who they were. For example when I was 10 years old I wanted to be just like Sporty Spice from the the Spice Girls, I wore the same clothes as her, I did my hair up like hers and I wanted to sing and dance like her. But the truth is I didn't even know Sporty Spices full name let alone anything about who she was. But today if you actually examine the lives of people who I find influential, the picture has changed dramatically. They are certainly not all ‘celebrities’, they are influential for many different reasons and more for their characteristics than just their character. An Influential …show more content…

This affects our own lives in the decisions we make and the way we behave. In life it is important to choose very carefully who we are influenced by in order to achieve our own goals. Not only is it important who we are influenced by but it is equally important to strive to be influential individuals ourselves. Some people think that to do this all you need is money, but money alone does not make a person influential. In fact there are many qualities, skills and characteristics a person must master to become strong and likeable. For example an influential person is a confident, self-motivated individual that has no doubt about their own capabilities. They are decisive, they know what they want, they set goals and they are able to make decisions quickly and carefully to reach the desired result. They are talented and truly passionate about what they do. They have the commitment to work hard, they are always prepared, they don't give up and never settle for second best. They are always trustworthy people who show their gratitude and high integrity in their behaviour, they are loyal, fair and never steal or cheat. They can multi-task but

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