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Compare/contrast classical and operant conditioning
Compare/contrast classical and operant conditioning
Compare/contrast classical and operant conditioning
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Behavioral Learning Theories
Most theorists agree that learning occurs when experience causes a change in a
person's knowledge or behavior . Behaviorists emphasize the role of environmental
stimuli in learning and focus on the behavior, i.e., an observable response. Behavioral
theories are based on contiguity, classical and operant conditioning, applied behavior
analysis, social learning theory and self-regulation/cognitive behavior modification.
Early views of learning were contiguity and classical conditioning. In contiguity
learning, two events are repeatedly paired together and become associated in the
learner's mind. Pavlov took this idea one step further in his experiments on classical
conditioning where a previously neutral stimulus is repeatedly paired with a stimulus that
evokes an emotional or physiological response. Later, the previously neutral stimulus
alone evokes the response. In other words, the conditioned stimulus brings forth the
conditioned response.
Operant conditioning is the most applicable of all the behavioral theories to actual
classroom learning. Operant conditioning was developed by B.F. Skinner and states that
people learn through the effects of their deliberate responses. The effects of
consequences following an action may serve as a reinforcement or as a punishment for
that action. Both positive and negative reinforcers strengthen or increase a response.
Punishment decreases or suppresses the behavior. Also, the scheduling of reinforcers
influences the rate and persistence of behaviors. In a paper presented at the Annual
Convention of the American Psychological Association in 1994 the principles of operant
conditioning were evaluated.
This paper discuss...
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...ion focused on well-defined, measurable student
performance goals; and 2) frequent monitoring of progress that enables teams to share
concrete insights and adjust processes toward better results. This kind of
student-involved teamwork is more than causal or informal. It is focused and
Critics of behavioral learning note that these methods could have a negative
impact by decreasing interest in learning by overemphasizing the use of rewards. Also,
since the existence of the mind could not be proven from the observation of behavior,
and since behaviorists were concerned primarily with discovering the laws of human
behavior, the mind was an unnecessary construct in the learning process. The exclusion
of the mind from the learning process by behavioral laws was a primary theoretical cause
of the paradigm shift in learning psychology.
Behaviourism main theorist included Skinner, Pavlov and Thorndike who describes this theory as having a ‘stimulus and response’. Petty states, ‘learners are motivated by expected reward of some kind (such as praise or satisfied curiosity); learning will not take place without it’ (Petty, 2009:15-16). In addition, there should be immediate reinforcement otherwise this will cause a delay in learning. Another principle of behaviourism is the learning should be step by step and not all at once and by doing so the learner has successions of successes which increase their motivation that leads ‘to more complex behaviour’. Petty also states that ‘effective teachers stress key points and summarise them at the beginning and at the end of the class and, makes use of old learning in developing new learning’ (Petty, 2009:16).
...intellect, nothing will be able to exist without a mind. If minds did not exist to perceive things then how could anyone know anything?
The Behavior Theory has continued to build on “how humans’ actions and emotions developed, are sustained, and are extinguished through principles of learning (Walsh, 2013).”
Behaviorism, or learning theory is one of three “grand theories” of human development. The focus of behaviorism is observable behavior, with no reference to mental processes. As a learning theory behaviorism, assumes that learning occurs via interactions with the environment, through the process of conditioning.
In Psychology there are many different learning styles. One of the more famous learning styles is operant conditioning. In operant conditioning there are two major concepts; reinforcement and punishment. By using these two concepts, behaviors can be encouraged or reduce a certain behavior. Next would be the different schedules of reinforcement that effect how often a behavior is likely to continue. Lastly the article goes on to state how behaviors can be shaped using these and other various methods.
Many theories have been thought of over the years to attempt to explain why people behave the way they do. Many questions were brought up when thinking about that and the social learning theory is a popular theory in explaining this. Nobody really thought of the social learning theory too much until Albert Bandura wrote his idea of it. He actually wrote a book called “Social Learning Theory.” In this book, he states that behavior is learned from the environment through the process of observational learning(Saul McLeod).
According to Social Learning Theory, Bandura (1989) suggested cognitive factors cannot be overlooked if learning is needed to be understood. Bandura has also noted that while reward and punishment substantially shape one 's personality, cognition has as much impact as they do. Also, the principles of behavioural approach have mainly been tested on animals. It implies some findings may not be applicable to a human being, which as a creature is much more complex than an animal.
The behaviorist theory is a theory of psychology that emerged in the early twentieth century that was a response to a number of predictions regarding observable behaviors. A majority of the theory concerned itself on the behavior of animals and humans, on the physical, observable behavior, not the unobservable events. Psychologists believe that us as learners start off with a clean slate and our behavior is shaped by the environment we are brought and raised in, therefore, our behavior is formed by positive and negative factors we create while growing in our environment. Our observable behavior is linked to our thinking and our emotions we give off. Psychologists have studied that there is little difference recorded from the thoughts and emotions that take place in a humans mind and from an animals. An individual has no free will and their environment determines the type of the behavior they have. Everyone’s environment they live in is teaching the behavior individuals have. Internally, our behaviors are a result of stimuli. The stimulus causes the reaction and what reaction that wil...
Akers and Sellers (2013) has stated that social learning theory is an expanded theory of differential association processes and improves it with differential reinforcement and other principles of the behavior theory. They added classical conditioning (the sharpening of involuntary reflex behavior); discriminative stimuli (internal stimuli that lead to signals for behavior); schedules of reinforcement (rewards and punishment ratio following behavioral feedback); and other theories of behavior (Akers & Sellers, 2013).
“Behavior theory consists of ideas about how human actions and emotions develop, are sustained, and are extinguished through principles of learning” (Walsh, 2010). Positive and negative reinforcement is used to help manipulate the behaviors of the individual. The theory has been used to help eliminate unwanted behaviors. In addition, behavior theory has been use primarily with children, and persons with developmental disabilities. According to Walsh (2010) behavior theory evolved in the 1960s from a field of philosophy to the field of science. Ivan Pavlov discovered classical conditioning, which plays a major role in behavioral theory. Classical conditioning is the process of learning through ones surroundings, conditioned, and unconditioned stimuli and response. B. F. Skinner discovered operant conditioning the process of learning to influence the future responses to the environment (Clark, 2004). The two concepts has been used throughout the behavior theory to help assist clients with unacceptable behaviors that is occurring. The combination of the two concepts has been a very helpful aspect to the behavior theory. Both concepts offer a different approach or solution to the behavior of the client.
The successful application of these theories have been very interdisciplinary in their use, being applicable in the development of disorders and even calculating spending patterns across social groups. Behaviorism and social learning have evolved beyond the original use of solely educational purposes. However, the effectiveness of the behaviorism theory has come into question as an educational approach., L’Ecuyer (2014) explains that the behaviorism approach, “emphasizes the accumulation of information (knowledge), on external behaviors (skills and mechanical habits) and their emotional and physical reactions in given situations, rather than on the person’s internal mental states, such as intentionality, which are much more complex (p.2). The article questions the modern effectiveness of the behaviorism approach on children. I have found that the theory of social learning when paired with the behaviorism theory is still very useful in education, even with the influx of modern technologies. At the very core, behaviorism, both classical and, seeks to explain why humans react to certain stimuli. Operant is more used in socially especially in child rearing, how to effectively discipline and child via reinforcement of positive behaviors or corporal punishment for negative behaviors is still a highly debated topic. Social learning can also heavily influence
A. Behaviorism, constructivism and cognitivism are relatively common theories used in the classroom as ways to approach student learning. Behaviorism focuses on observable behavior, such as students answering questions correctly, or being able to follow directions to complete a task as instructed. Characteristics of a classroom that uses behaviorism might be memorization of facts, writing vocabulary words, or a token reward system to inspire the desired behavior and decrease undesired behaviors. Constructivism, as indicated by the root word “construct,” focuses on the construction of new ideas, or expanding on what is already known. Students in a classroom using constructivism as a means for learning might seem more actively engaged in the learning process; they often learn something new through applying what they already know about the content area, and exploring new matter to further their understanding. This type of classroom often uses hands on manipulatives to allow students to actually build, create, or experiment with what they are learning. A cognitivism approach to learning might be explained by the minds capacity to process information – such as how a learner might remember something, retrieve information, or store new concepts. Learning through this method often depends on how the student processes what the teacher is presenting. Classrooms using this approach might incorporate learning strategies that help students categorize and sequence information to assist with processing. Like constructivism, it can be an active style of learning.
The behavioral perspective is a theoretical perspective that says that abnormal behavior is caused by flawed learning experiences (Halgin and Whitbourne, 2013). B.F Skinner, the most common behaviorist, believed a person’s environment or anything external can influence a person mentally (AllPsych, 2011). The main point of the behavioral perspective is how the environment affects a person’s overall behavior (AllPsych, 2011). The three types of behavioral theories are classical conditioning, operant conditioning, and contiguity theory. Operant conditioning is when a person learns behaviors through reinforcement (Halgin and Whitbourne, 2013). Skinner studied operant conditioning by doing experiments using dogs that he placed in a “Skinner Box” (McLeod, 2011). Contiguity theory says that any stimulus and response that is connected will be associated with each other (Ramo and Howe-Tennant). Contiguity theory comes from the work of E. R. Guthrie (Ramo and Howe-Tennant). Classical conditioning is a learning connection between an original stimulus and a naturally evoking stimulus that causes an automatic reflexive reaction. Classical conditioning was the first type of learning to be discovered (Halgin and Whitbourne, 2013). Classical conditioning was also the first to be studied by behaviorist (Halgin and Whitbourne, 2013). Classical conditioning was discovered by Ivan Pavlov (AllPsych, 2011). During Pavlov’s experiments, he would put meat powder in dogs mouths that had tubes inserted in different organs to measure the dogs body responses (AllPsych, 2011). Pavlov found that the dogs began to salivate before the meat powder was presented to them (AllPsych, 2011). He also found that the dogs began to salivate as soon as the person feedi...
Lieberman, D. A. (2000). Learning, Behavior and Cognition (3rd ed.). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth/Thomson Learning. [Chapter 7]
Behaviorism used learning concentrates entirely on observing, measuring, and modifying behavior. Since Watson, Pavlov, and Skinner began this theory teacher can better discipline their students. Using operant conditioning teachers can use positive reinforcement to get all the students to behave during class. There are few drawbacks to this theory, but there are drawbacks to everything in life.