Behavior Therapy Disadvantages

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Behavioral Focus in Counseling Given that we strive to be multicultural-competent counselors, what might be the advantages and disadvantages to adopting a behaviorally based approach.
Today, behavioral-focused therapies are widely practiced across disciplines as a measurable way to change behavior. In my opinion, most psychological theoretical approaches recognize the purposefulness of human behavior. Much so, regardless of one’s cultural significance, behavior influences being. However, the essence of behavior “is based largely on culture” and is a key factor in explaining and intervening in human behaviors (Chavis, 2011). To that end, it important for therapist to be conscientious of the cultural variabilities in serving diverse clients. According to Corey (2009), modern behavior therapy suggests a systematic and strategic approach to psychotherapy. Like other approaches, there are advantage and disadvantages to utilizing a behaviorally grounded approach. …show more content…

This advantage bypasses emotivism and focuses on the here and now and skill building as the gateway to behavioral change. Corey (2013) also states that, behavioral therapist believe that change can occur without fully understanding oneself, but as a result, the change process will lead to an “increased level of self -understanding” (p.93). Other strengths attributed to behavioral therapies for culturally sensitive subpopulations are, it’s specificity and emphasis on objectivity and cognitions (Corey, 2013). Furthermore, this action orientated approach has evidence-based methods for specific behavioral changes, therefore clients are more likely to cooperate because they gain insight into their behaviors and acquire the skills needed to change

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