Behavior-Based Interview Essay

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Most interviews consist of many types of questions, but they usually lean toward situational interviews or behavior description interviews (Saylor. p. 133). According to Mary Clement, an American Association for Employment in Education award winner and author, “behavior-based interviewing (BBI) has the potential to improve the teacher hiring process, as questions in this style of interview focus on candidates’ past behaviors” (Clement. 2009) “so educators would be wise to craft interview questions that explore past experiences, skills, and behaviors of job candidates” (Phi Delta Kappan. 2009). She also states “questions should be open-ended ones that require candidates to describe their past experiences, while demonstrating they know what to …show more content…

Most of the situational-based questions could actually be turned into behavior-based questions, adding more value by requiring candidates to provide more measurable answers. “A behavior-based interview is an interview in which a candidate is asked to provide specific examples of past job behavior. This type of interviewing is based on the concept that single best predictor of future job performance is past job behavior” (Schultz. p. 4). It would be beneficial to ask the candidate to provide a specific examples so the interview could developed an idea of their past job behavior. For example, the question: “How would you deal with disruptive students in the classroom?” could be changed to: “Tell me about a situation where you had to deal with a disruptive studies”. The interviewer can now formulate an idea of how the candidate would perform in a further job. Behavior-based interviewing allows you to focus on person’s behavior, not the person (Schultz. p. 4). There are a few questions that are identified as unnecessary, such as the question: “What are your strengths and weaknesses?” This question does not ask for an example of past behavior or current behavior. The response will not give the interviewer any useful information relative to the candidate’s level of proficiency or future job performance (Schultz. p.

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