Methods to Avoid Becoming Fat in College College; it can be a scary, yet exciting journey. While intimating, it can provide a chance to get out of one’s comfort zone, and through the experiences one can be slowly pulled out of their hometown bubble. For example, living with a new roommate, navigating through campus, or dealing with time management all contribute to a challenging adjustment. However, one of the biggest concerns college students experience is the struggle of maintaining one’s health. While staying fit throughout college is an arduous and demanding task, it is vital for students to be conscious of the dangers of inadequate fitness and personal wellbeing. The problem of poor health in college students can be overcome by the general …show more content…
For most students, college is the first time as young adults that they are out on their own. The mind-boggling tasks of doing laundry or cleaning a sink can put an overwhelming stress on first year college students, not to mention the more challenging Gen-Ed courses and graduate class work. Additionally, these problems have roughly contributed to 36.4% of student’s depression and anxiety (Top 5 Mental Health Challenges Facing College Students). Subsequently, the strain put on these young adults, countless students seek a way to relieve stress by turning to their peers, and together, participate in underage binge drinking. Likewise, more than 150,000 students develop an alcohol-related health problem and 25% of college students have reported academic consequences as a result of their alcohol consumption (College Drinking). In addition, even though students tend to have extra free time, more often than not, students do not obtain the two and half hours of exercise recommended a week, which consequently, adds to poor health. Although there are numerous problems that college students face, there are constantly a variety of …show more content…
As the schoolwork, schedule, and responsibility pile up, stress begins to intensify, but students can reduce the amount of weight they put on themselves by avoiding procrastination, and maintaining consistent sleep habits. First, it is important for even the highly successful students to not demand perfection from themselves. The workload and content in college courses are much greater than those in high school and while it is an adjustment, all people will handle the burden differently. In addition, students must discover very quickly how they study and comprehend in an efficient way while getting studying, homework, and projects completed without procrastination. Consequently, the less one procrastinates, the less tension their mind will feel at ease when trying to get the 7-8 hours of sleep needed to repair and refuel the body. By leaving time for yourself, your body will feel relaxed and have time to deal with stress leading to a higher mental health. In addition, being conscious the signs and symptoms of mental illness will provide relief to students, but will also help others around them prevent the sicknesses. Feelings of guilt, hopelessness and despair can shape a student’s mindset if they don’t take steps to cope with stressors (Top 5 Mental Health Challenges Facing College Students). Even with the best spirits, students continue to have a hard time keeping up their
Racette, S.B., Deusinger, S.S., Strube, M.J., Highstein, G.R., & Deusinger, R.H. (2005). Weight changes, exercise, and dietary patterns during freshman and sophomore years of college. Journal of American College Health, 53(8), 245-251.
“80 percent of teen-agers have tried alcohol, and that alcohol was a contributing factor in the top three causes of death among teens: accidents, homicide and suicide” (Underage, pg 3). Students may use drinking as a form of socializing, but is it really as good as it seems? The tradition of drinking has developed into a kind of “culture” fixed in every level of the college student environment. Customs handed down through generations of college drinkers reinforce students' expectation that alcohol is a necessary ingredient for social success. These perceptions of drinking are the going to ruin the lives of the students because it will lead to the development alcoholism. College students who drink a lot, while in a college environment, will damage themselves mentally, physically, and socially later in life, because alcohol adversely affects the brain, the liver, and the drinkers behavior.
College student drunkenness is far from new and neither are college and university efforts to control it. What is new, however, is the potential to make real progress on this age-old problem based on scientific research results. New research-based information about the consequences of high-risk college drinking and how to reduce it can empower colleges and universities, communities, and other interested organizations to take effective action. Hazardous drinking among college students is a widespread problem that occurs on campuses of all sizes and geographic locations. A recent survey of college students conducted by the Harvard University School of Public Health reported that 44 percent of respondents had drunk more than five drinks (four for women) consecutively in the previous two weeks. About 23 percent had had three or more such episodes during that time. The causes of this problem are the fact that students are living by themselves no longer with parents or guardians; they earn their own money; students need to be a part of a group, be accepted; and they have the wrong idea that to feel drunk is “cool.”
We all know what it is like to wake up in the morning, with our head aching, and our body feeling like it was just hit by a train. College students world wide know this feeling. These are the results of binge drinking. The question of why college students continue to submit themselves to alcohol is unknown. While many reasons are given, the cause generally falls into one of three categories, peer pressure, insecurity, or to help solve there problems. But the one thing students don’t realize are the consequences and effects that binge drinking can have, health and social problems are just a few.
According to a national survey conducted by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, “almost 60 percent of college students ages 18–22 drank alcohol in the past month, 1 and almost 2 out of 3 of them engaged in binge drinking during that same timeframe” (NIH). Binge drinking culture refers to the recent rise and normalization of college age students drinking excessively. The CDC describes binge drinking as “a pattern of drinking that brings a person’s blood alcohol level to 0.08grams within two hours” (CDC). For many young adults, college is one of the first times they will experience complete freedom. This freedom often leads to partying, which goes hand in hand with the consumption of alcohol. However, since the age at which
Binge or excessive drinking is the most serious problem affecting social life, health, and education on college campuses today. Binge or excessive drinking by college students has become a social phenomena in which college students do not acknowledge the health risks that are involved with their excessive drinking habits. Furthermore college students do not know enough about alcohol in general and what exactly it does to the body or they do not pay attention to the information given to them. There needs to be a complete saturation on the campus and surrounding areas, including businesses and the media, expressing how excessive drinking is not attractive and not socially accepted.
America is one of the most obese countries in the world, and the reasons are quite obvious. Take a look around. Fast food chains on every block, more and more technology to make our lives easier, and high amount of stress are just a few factors to weight gain in our country. There are many different views on obesity and how the people think it should be resolved, whether it's government making the change or the people taking care of themselves. Childhood obesity has more than doubled in children and tripled in adolescents in the past 30 years. Are we doing enough to bring these statistics down? No. In the last 40 years, there has been a growth to more than 160,000 fast food restaurants in America (“Adolescent and School Health”). Restaurants (such as Wendy's, McDonald's etc.) serve more than 50 million people per day, generating about 65 million in sales annually. Only since obesity has become a national epidemic have fast food restaurants changed their ways. But we need to do more than just change the kind of oil the french fries are fried in. Better yet, why don't we remove, or intensely decrease the number of the unhealthy fast food chains, and spread more healthy fast food chains, such as Subway? Is it something government could take act in? Should the United States government take measures to fight the rise of obesity in the country, or are choices concerning diet and nutrition better left to the individuals, free of government interference?
Binge Drinking is an intriguing phenomenon that many college students take part in all across the country. The issue of binge drinking has been a problem on college campuses for decades. Binge drinking has many horrible effects, but the problem starts with the causes for it. If the causes could be controlled then the issue would not get out of hand. Many college students give different causes for their drinking problems, and experts on the subject have their explanations as well. The problem is, while growing through adolescence anything can become an excuse for drinking, such as ¡§its Thursday the day before Friday, we need to drink¡¨ or, ¡§it¡¦s the last Wednesday of the semester, lets get some beer.¡¨
Particularly, the most unsafe college drinking, binge drinking should not happen in an environment of colleges so that students who live around the campus would feel more secure. Besides, college is a place to higher people’s education, not a place to meet up and party. It is important to always remind ourselves that binge drinking is a serious issue for the general population as a whole (including people who don’t drink) because it affects us
Relevance: Weight problems are something a lot of people struggle with in college. I.E.; Freshman 15. And being healthy in college can really help people deal with other stuff better. Because when you don’t have to worry about your health you can focus on exams and homework more.
There is an epidemic running rampant across the United States and most people do not know the effects it has on society; this epidemic is none other than obesity. In the last thirty-five years, the obesity rate has more than tripled. Obesity has many ill effects and is the cause of many diseases. Washington Post journalist Wil Haygood, elaborates, “A lot of our medications are for ‘disease states,’ such as Type 2 diabetes, hypertension, things that can be adversely affected by increased weight” (411). Speaking with a pharmacist, Haygood explicates how obesity can lead to serious disease and further health implications that are difficult to overcome.
In the fast pace life of college students, eating healthy has become an inconvenience. Students tend to consume too much alcohol and low amounts of water. They also make it a priority to put health in the back of their mind to squeeze in that extra minute to study. Why do college students make it such a difficult process to be healthy when little steps are better than taking no steps? I am here to provide a couple of ways to increase your health for your busy college days and provide insight as to why and how students are neglecting their current health status.
Many of us do not feel great about the way our bodies look. And even if we do, the journey to personal satisfaction is often a long and difficult one. Increased emphasis on the shape and dimensions of the body is not new; in fact, similar opinions have been voiced for centuries. Weight, as a measurement, has always been treated as a choice; something we have control over. It is this view which serves as a sort of justification for the systemic oppression forced on fat people. Fat oppression is any conscious or unconscious action which discriminates upon an individual based solely on weight, making fat people appear lesser. Our culture generally treats fat people as flawed, whether they mean to or not. Fat oppression culture promotes adolescents to take unhealthy risks, embeds the idea that being fat is being lesser, and turns
Are you constantly bombarded by media and society on how to be skinny and look a certain way? Well, there are ways to become fat in a healthy way without leading to obesity, which is a big problem in America. First of all, you need to have a diet plan just like a person who wants to lose weight would. Many people believe that if you want to gain weight you should just consume as much as you can and sleep. This mindset is very harmful for your body and will lead to obesity. Therefore it is very important to follow a proper diet. Since men and women have very different body structure, they will not have the same diet plan. If you are a man you should eat two to three raw eggs in the morning and boiled egg in the afternoon. Egg has very good
“In 2013, 39 percent of college students ages 18–22 engaged in binge drinking (5 or more drinks on an occasion) in the past month compared with 33.4 percent of other persons of the same age” (Prevalence). These statistics from the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism show that more student in college tend to abuse alcohol more than people who don’t attend college between the age of