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Effects of alcohol on the body
Effects of alcohol on the body
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Recommended: Effects of alcohol on the body
Are you a beer drinker or a liquor drinker? Do you prefer an ice-cold miller light or whiskey on the rocks? It doesn’t matter because it all contains alcohol which too much can cause these short-term effects blackouts, memory loss and slurred speech. Today, alcohol can be many things. Depending on how the consumer chooses to use alcohol is ultimately up to them. Wanting to crack a cold one on a regular Friday night after a stressful week with your buddies is different than needing it to get through every day. There are times and places that alcohol is appropriate and times and places that alcohol is inappropriate. Although, alcohol has its negative affects there are ways to drink responsively and moderately in society. Many families suffer …show more content…
Growing up learning the responsibility you need to have to drink alcohol could help reduce the negative affects alcohol abuse can lead to as well. In certain high schools, administrators try and teach students a bit about sex education and the dangers of it in their classes. If schools started a similar program regarding drinking and educate students on what all can happen when you get involved with alcohol then that can be a start to help prevent alcohol from becoming a negative impact on young lives. We all know that of course you will probably drink at some point while you are underage and many start in college. Which isn’t bad but know your limits and the consequences that can happen. Although alcohol is legal to some college students, it is still illegal to many underage college students. Knowing how much you take in could help keep track on when you should stop. Drinking unhealthy amounts of alcohol can not only have short-term but also long-term effects. “Fun” is what many kids see alcohol as today, at these frat parties in college kids are stacking their cups up to see how many cups of punch they can drink throughout the night and there is no telling what is even in there. So, promoting more info about alcohol awareness throughout college as well as high school can help them to be more responsible about drinking alcohol. “In 2013, 39 percent of college students ages 18–22 engaged in binge drinking (5 or more drinks on an occasion) in the past month compared with 33.4 percent of other persons of the same age” (Prevalence). These statistics from the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism show that more student in college tend to abuse alcohol more than people who don’t attend college between the age of
...them when they take just one drink of alcohol, even if it is just one shot or one beer, it affect you. Most college student drink to socialize and that is not a good thing to do. When a students, or anyone, drink to be social there are more likely to have more then what they intended. Alcohol will affect the way that students think, feel, act, and socialize with others. Drink is a dangers action to participate in but that is a choice that one needs to make on their own. It is always fun at the time, but at that same time one does not think that they are permanently arming to their bodies. Whether children and teens drink 15,25 or even 30 percent of the alcohol consumed, the reality is that America has an underage drinking epidemic and alcohol is by far the drug most used by children and teens and poses the greatest threat to their well-being” (Underage, CNN.com pg2).
College student drunkenness is far from new and neither are college and university efforts to control it. What is new, however, is the potential to make real progress on this age-old problem based on scientific research results. New research-based information about the consequences of high-risk college drinking and how to reduce it can empower colleges and universities, communities, and other interested organizations to take effective action. Hazardous drinking among college students is a widespread problem that occurs on campuses of all sizes and geographic locations. A recent survey of college students conducted by the Harvard University School of Public Health reported that 44 percent of respondents had drunk more than five drinks (four for women) consecutively in the previous two weeks. About 23 percent had had three or more such episodes during that time. The causes of this problem are the fact that students are living by themselves no longer with parents or guardians; they earn their own money; students need to be a part of a group, be accepted; and they have the wrong idea that to feel drunk is “cool.”
Many temptations are faced in college culture and one of them is underage drinking and driving. Underage drinking and driving has essentially become an epidemic, rapidly developing among today’s youth. College culture has come to encourage drinking and driving through the places and people that surround the students (National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, October 2002). Some people don’t see underage drinking as an issue, when in fact it is a huge issue that every teenager will face. Since underage drinking is illegal people want to rebel by drinking; additionally, alcohol is really easy to get ahold of in college. Since many students are going to drink, the first line of defense is to educate students about the effects of alcohol and what can happen if students do drink and drive. Unless we are able to put a stop to underage drinking and driving through education, and a system called smart start the problem wont get any better.
Why do college students drink so much? This timeless fad has effected this generation in high percentages since the beginning of college education. Today in America it is estimated that approximately 29% of college students are regular alcohol abusers. Another recent study by the National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism performed showed that college students suffered 1,400 deaths, 70,000 date rapes and assaults, and 500,000 injuries each year as a result of alcohol. (McDonald) Although binge drinking (5+ drinks in one sitting) is considered a normal part of the college experience many factors contribute to whether or not an individual is more prone to be an abuser.
There are programs now that educate people under the age of 21 about alcohol. These programs are being implemented in colleges around the country, and are about the choices of using alcohol. "At the University of Virginia they are taking a more of an old-fashioned approach to educating college students about alcohol use. They are using two, two-and-a-half hour courses in class rooms called "Choices". They are boasting high results from this program a total of 75 percent of participants said they planned to reduce how much they drink in the future, while 85 percent indicated they had spoken to a friend." (Altamirano). If these programs have high success rates, I think these programs should be put in high schools as well.
Although this may be true, some people will still argue that alcoholic drinks are not always a bad thing, especially if you are a teenager that wants to experience a little bit of danger and living to the fullest, as the Americans say live wild and free. Most of the new students in college feel that they are free from their parents; they can do anything want to do without worrying about the watchful eyes of their parents. The feelings of excitement that drive teenagers to try new things and experiment, for example drinking alcohol. Nowadays young people often ...
To make the lower drinking age work, we will need the help of the parents, the teachers and every role model possible. We need to teach the younger generations the disadvantages of drinking regularly, but we must not prohibit it. We should not embrace it, but not take it away. We must teach the young adult/teen how to deal with the “forbidden fruit”. Teach them how to take a sufficient amount that will not hurt them or others. It is time to approach this situation in a different manner, not to prohibit it, and not to pretend that it is not happening. But by making the safest environment possible for this to be taken care of appropriately, will help significantly. It’s time to try to improve our life quality by equally being able to enjoy what life has to offer.
Binge or excessive drinking is the most serious problem affecting social life, health, and education on college campuses today. Binge or excessive drinking by college students has become a social phenomena in which college students do not acknowledge the health risks that are involved with their excessive drinking habits. Furthermore college students do not know enough about alcohol in general and what exactly it does to the body or they do not pay attention to the information given to them. There needs to be a complete saturation on the campus and surrounding areas, including businesses and the media, expressing how excessive drinking is not attractive and not socially accepted.
Wechsler, Henry and Kuo, Meichun. College Students Define Binge Drinking and Estimate Its Prevalence: Results of a National Survey. EBSCO Publishing 29 Oct. 2000
Alcohol has been in the world for many centuries and has become a pain but also somewhat of a solution to society. It can be viewed as something to be a social gathering that brings friends together or it can be taking as destruction to someone. Over the years alcohol has played many roles in the world but it plays an even bigger role in substance abuse. Doctors have made several points that it is okay to have a drink every now and again but people need to realize when one drink has become too many. The ideal of having a drink with friends or going out and having an occasional drink is acceptable; However, is it still acceptable when a person find their selves having a drink first thing in the morning or runs to a drink to solve their people.
According to National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, more than 1,800 college students die from alcohol-related causes every year, while about 800,000 are being assaulted by other students because of drinking. About one in every four college students who binge drink also admit that they have experienced academic problems. Binge drinking is drinking multiple drinks in just a few hours to get drunk. Despite the fact that college drinking has caused many issues, it has not been stopped, yet. In article, “Why Colleges Haven’t Stopped Binge Drinking,” McMurtrie (2014) explains that this issue has not been resolved yet because many people still see alcohol abuse as general issue instead of seeing it an individual behavior. Because colleges
Specific Purpose: After listening to my speech, my audience will know how alcohol was made and how it affects humans negatively and positively.
Specific Purpose: After listening to my speech, my audience will know how alcohol is made and how it affects humans negatively and positively.
Alcohol is a very serious and dangerous drug, although it is not treated this way anymore. College students have taken drinking to a new level, which, for many, is very scary. Alcohol is much more dangerous than many would think. Kids see a night of drinking as a great way to have fun and party, but do not see the consequences. Getting drunk and even blacking out can lead to many problems.
The consumption of alcohol during social events is prevalent in society. When a group of adults have a party or get together there is almost always alcohol present such as at the bowling alley, where they sell multiple bottles of beer in a bucket. Adults tend to invite their other adult friends to a football game party and they drink too much, and due to the adverse effect of alcohol consumption, drunk driving takes a life in the United States every twenty-two minutes. In Christian’s to Recovery, : “The damage caused by alcohol impaired drivers is the same as if a Boeing 747 with over 500 passengers crashed every eight days killing everyone,” (CR, “Impacts”) Children know just how much their parents or parent drinks, and for that very reason alcohol shoul...