Baylor University Research Paper

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Baylor University

Choosing a university is major . College is something we have been constructing or preparing for since elementary, this determines if we are capable to “survive” on our own . This will make me or break me . Choosing a college will determine my future .

The first identifications of choosing a college that best suits me is by ranking my priorities . “Make an extended list of pros and cons ,....identify several aspects of college life - the size of the school ,for instance the strength of the athletic program and numerically ranks each by importance to you” ~ Katy Hopkins (1) . Using this method will be an eye opener when it comes down to my final resolution. Katy Hopkins also wrote “try to glean specific of job fairs on campus interviews” (2)this indicates to focus on classes that land on your future career.

The location of Baylor University is in Waco , Texas surrounded by the community of Fort Worth . The percentage of applicants submitted to the university is around 74.9% . Baylor contains a large or sufficient amount of students from their top 20 or 10% …show more content…

The Anthropology Department has an intense study of sciences . Many students graduate out of Baylor about 77%. This Waco, Texas school provides Federal grants which make it affordable for me to attend . Baylor also provides counseling to guide me to the correct pathway. Katy Hopkins states not to take rejection personally in her article she mentions “you shouldn't dwell on a rejection letter even one from a dream school” (3). Even as I set high standards for myself, it will be okay to fail or attempt something , Ill learn off of those mistakes and continue to try until the standards are met . Focusing on our end game is very important ,”Keep your eye in the end , where you want to be in your career” ~ Lopresti family

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