Basic Morality Essay

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Morals could, in a way, be considered subjective. A certain society of people may have different morals depending on their culture, religion, or overall experiences in life. However I feel that the concept of at least basic morality is an important one in the survival of the human race. Without basic morals the world would fall into more chaos than it is already in. Morality is important for society to partake in because it sets boundaries so that we may, in theory, live in harmony with others. I say this is a theory because there are different views on morals and not everyone is willing to submit to these “rules”.
According to Aristotle’s happiness theory, he believed that “happiness is the quality of whole human life”. Most of us believe …show more content…

Many basic morals are held with a punishment/law that dictates that we must follow it or suffer the consequences, because of this many people follow those rules so that they do not have to experience the inconvenience. Others are moral so that they can obtain rewards and serve their own needs. Some do so to obtain the respect and approval of their peers for “doing the right thing”. This helps preserve strong relationships with others as they see they can trust you to make the moral choice if something concerning them was placed into your hands. Vice-versa if they see that you do not maintain a moral standpoint then they may be less likely to trust you or aid you in the future. If they are grateful, or indebted to you for your good deeds they are more likely to help you in your own endeavors.
Other people are motivated by their respect for authority and they values society 's laws. Therefore they try to uphold them. Another reason for upholding the social contract is because some people believe that in upholding the social contract they are doing the right thing because it provides the “greatest good for the greatest number”. Therefore believing that at least basic morality is social contract that benefits humanity as a

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