Barely Beating the Odds

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“With scant water and food, no jacket for the cold nights, and the terrible knowledge that no one knew where he was. Aron faced the horror of his predicament: By the time any search and rescue effort would begin, he’d most assuredly be dead.” (Back Cover) If that would not get you to read Between a Rock and a Hard Place by Aron Ralston, I do not know what would. This short passage shows you the many encounters Aron has as you follow him on a seemingly ordinary trip that he takes. Even though this is a non-fiction book some of the stories described sound like they are imaginary, but in reality they were the result of having bad luck. This 347 page autobiography was printed by Atria Books in August of 2005. Mountaineer, Outdoorsman, retired mechanical engineer; these descriptions normally are not used to describe a writer. But in this case they are, Aron Ralstone writer of the book Between a Rock and a Hard Place, can be described by all of these words. Aron was 25 years old when he decided to quit his job as a mechanical engineer to pursue his goal to climb all 59 of Colorado’s 14,000 foot and above mountains in winter by himself. When I think who could write a book like this I do not think of a famous author, I think of an amateur author who is qualified. Aron is qualified to write this book because it was written about an experience that he personally had happen to him. Aron also did not glorify himself in this book; unlike some other autobiography writers he remained humble. This book was made to show how not only being physically strong helps you get out of tough situations but also being mentally tough. There are many events that show you how being mentally and physically tough can help you live and survive. Conveniently sur... ... middle of paper ... ...a trip he had then you go back to the canyon. I recommend this book because it is not only good, but it will help you to appreciate the things you have and not take things for granted. The only thing I did not like was the ending; I thought he was going to talk more about the recovery and publicity he received. But the ending took you back to the canyon and it left me wondering where and how he is now. In the end, you can take away many different things from this book. I learned that you should not take things for granted that you think you will have forever, like your arm. I also learned how keeping your cool and planning ahead in tough situations can keep you alive and even save you. When you read Between a Rock and a Hard Place, you will hopefully learn the same lessons as me or even some of your own. Truly, reading this book can change your life for the better.

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