Balanced Diet Case Study

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Eating a balanced diet is important for overall health and well-being. A balanced diet supplies the body with the nutrients needed for the many changes and demands that a person experiences throughout their lifespan. As a nurse, it is important to know the dietary needs of the body to promote health, as well as educate and improve outcomes for every patient they meet. Pregnancy is an important area to educate on nutritional needs since body requirements during this time change. Having a pregnant patient do a 24-hour nutritional intake assessment can help ensure that daily recommended needs that correspond to the number of weeks gestation are met (Pillitteri, Silbert-Flagg, 2010). The goal is that the mother understands the need for these recommended …show more content…

She does take a daily prenatal vitamin and consumes the daily recommended amount of fluids. Based on her 24-hour recall, the patient needs to add more calories to her diet by increasing meal proportions and incorporating snacks throughout the day. She needs to add dairy products to her diet as she currently is consuming none. Dairy needs can be promoted by include milk or soy milk as a fluid choice, or by adding cheese to her salad. Snacking between meals on string cheese paired with an orange which can help meet both dairy and fruit recommendations. More protein sources can be added into her meals, such as adding sausage to her breakfast and other lean meats or beans into her other meals. Nuts are a great, protein-packed snack she can easily include throughout the day. She needs to increase her daily consumption of grains, by making her salad a tasty wrap or adding toast or crackers throughout the day. She needs more fruits and vegetables added to her diet. Pairing up foods together, such as carrots with hummus dip, peanut butter with celery, or yogurt with berries and oats help to add variety per sitting. Another consideration would be varying her fluid intake from water only to include juices, smoothies and other

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